Wiki The Betweenlands

La liste qui suit répertorie toutes les recettes de fabrication qui utilise l'interface disponible dans l'inventaire ou à l'aide d'un établi en bois d'harbre. Ces recettes sont rangées par catégories et par ordre alphabétique.


Blocs naturels[]

Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Chapeau de champignon bulbeux (4) Champignon bulbeux (4)
Bulb-Capped Mushroom Cap
Terre marécageuse stérile (2) Terre marécageuse + Silt
Coarse Swamp Dirt
Boue compactée Boue (4)
Dendrotisthe verte Éclat de dendrotisthe verte (4)
Green Dentrothyst
Bûche de foyebrûche correspondante (4) Bûche de foyebrûche associée (4)
Bûche de saulegrigne correspondante (4) Bûche de saulegrigne associée (4)
Dendrotisthe orange Éclat de dendrotisthe orange (4)
Orange Dentrothyst
Bûche d'hévéa correspondante (4) Bûche d'hévéa associée (4)
Bûche de foyebrûche goudronnée correspondante (1-8) (le sceau vide est restitué) Bûche de foyebrûche associée (1-8) + n'importe quel sceau (goudron)
Bûche de foyebrûche goudronnée correspondante (4) Bûche de foyebrûche goudronnée associée (4)
Bûche d'harbre correspondante (4) Bûche d'harbre associée (4)

Blocs manufacturés[]

Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Change la variété de fenêtre en papier d'amate Fenêtre en papier d'amate
Bloc de gemme aquatique Gemme aquatique (9)
Aqua Middle Gem Block
Brique en pierre des betweenlands (4) Pierre des betweenlands (4)
Betweenstone Bricks
Pilier en pierre des Betweenlands (2) Pierre des Betweenlands polie (2)
Betweenstone Pillar
Carrelage en pierre des Betweenlands (4) Pierre des Betweenlands polie (4)
Betweenstone Tiles
Bloc de compost Compost (9)
Block of Compost
Bloc d'octine Lingot d'octine (9)
Block of Octine
Bloc de scabysthe Scabysthe (9)
Block of Scabyst
Bloc de sulfure Sulfure (9)
Block of Sulfur
Bloc de syrmorithe Lingot de syrmorithe (9)
Block of Syrmorite
Bloc de valonite Éclat de valonite (9)
Block of Valonite
Briques en boue sculptée correspondantes (4) Briques en boue ou briques visqueuses en boue (6) + briques en boue (3)
Carved Mud Bricks
Change des briques en boue sculptée en la variété correspondante Briques en boue sculptée ou [[[briques visqueuses en boue sculptée]] ou coin visqueux en briques de boue ou coin visqueux en briques de boue sculptée
Pierre des Betweenlands sculptée Dalle en pierre des Betweenlands (2)
Chiseled Betweenstone
Crageroche sculptée Dalle en briques de crageroche (2)
Chiseled Cragrock
Calcaire sculpté Dalle en briques de calcaire (2)
Chiseled Limestone
Fosseroche sculptée Dalle en briques de fosseroche (2)
Chiseled Pitstone
Scabysthe sculpté Dalle en brique de scabysthe (2)
Chiseled Scabyst
Change la variété de scabysthe sculpté Scabysthe sculpté
Fenêtre connectée en papier d'amate Brindille d'harbre (4) + papier d'amate
Connected Amate Paper Pane
Briques en crageroche (4) Crageroche (4)
Cragrock Bricks
Pilier en crageroche (2) Crageroche polie (2)
Cragrock Pillar
Carrelage en crageroche (4) Crageroche polie (4)
Cragrock Tiles
Bloc de gemme carmin Gemme carmin (9)
Crimson Middle Gem Block
Bloc de corail des profondeurs (4) Corail des profondeurs (objet) (4)
Planches en racine géante (4) Racine géante
Giant Root Planks
Bloc de gemme verte Gemme verte (9)
Green Middle Gem Block
Vitre en dendrotisthe polie verte (16) Dendrotisthe polie verte (6)
Green Polished Dentrothyst Pane
Planches de foyebrûche (4) N'importe quelle bûche de foyebrûche ou bûche de foyebrûche goudronnée
Briques en calcaire (4) Calcaire (4)
Limestone Bricks
Pilier en calcaire (2) Calcaire poli (2)
Limestone Pillar
Carrelage en calcaire (4) Calcaire poli (4)
Limestone Tiles
Bloc de corail des tourbières (4) Corail des tourbières (objet) (4)
Mire Coral Block
Briques moussues en pierre des Betweenlands Briques en pierre des Betweelands + mousse ou mousse (objet) ou mousse des cavernes ou mousse des cavernes (objet)
Carrelage moussu en pierre des Betweenlands Briques en pierre des Betweelands + mousse ou mousse (objet) ou mousse des cavernes ou mousse des cavernes (objet)
Briques en calcaire moussu Briques en calcaire + mousse ou mousse (objet) ou mousse des cavernes ou mousse des cavernes (objet)
Pierre polie et moussue des Betweenlands Pierre polie des Betweenlands + mousse ou mousse (objet) ou mousse des cavernes ou mousse des cavernes (objet)
Briques en boue Briques en boue (4)
Mud Bricks
Bardeaux en briques de boue (2) Briques en boue (9)
Mud Brick Shingles
Carrelage en boue (4) Briques en boue (4)
Mud Tiles
Planches de saulegrigne (4) N'importe quelle bûche de saulegrigne
Orange Polished Dentrothyst Pane (16) Orange Polished Dentrothyst (6)
Orange Polished Dentrothyst Pane
Pitstone Bricks (4) Pitstone (4)
Pitstone Bricks
Pitstone Pillar (2) Smooth Pitstone (2)
Pitstone Pillar
Pitstone Tiles (4) Smooth Pitstone (4)
Pitstone Tiles
Rotten Planks (4) Rotten Bark
Rotten Planks
Rubber Block Rubber Ball (9)
Rubber Block
Rubber Tree Planks (4) Rubber Tree Log
Rubber Tree Planks
Scabyst Bricks (4) Scabyst (4)
Scabyst Bricks
Scabyst Lined Pitstone (4) Pitstone Bricks (8) + Scabyst
Scabyst Lined Pitstone 1
Scabyst Lined Pitstone (4) Pitstone Bricks (6) + Scabyst (3)
Scabyst Lined Pitstone 2
Silt Glass Pane (16) Silt Glass (6)
Silt Glass Pane
Slimy Bone Block Slimy Bone (9)
Slimy Bone Block
Corresponding Sludgy Mud Bricks Mud Bricks or Sludgy Mud Bricks + Sludge Ball
Sludgy Mud Bricks
Thatch (4) Dried Swamp Reed (4)
Weedwood Chip Path (4) Ground Weedwood Bark (3)
Weedwood Chip Path
Weedwood Planks (4) Any Weedwood Log
Weedwood Planks (4) Weedwood
Weedwood Walkway (2) Weedwood Planks (3) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Weedwood Walkway
Corresponding Worm Pillar (2) Mud Bricks or Sludgy Mud Bricks (2)
Corresponding Worm Pillar Cap (4) Mud Bricks or Sludgy Mud Bricks (8) + Mud Brick
Worm Pillar Cap


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Weedwood Plank Slab (6) Weedwood Planks (3)
Weedwood Plank Slab
Rubber Tree Plank Slab (6) Rubber Tree Planks (3)
Rubber Tree Plank Slab
Giant Root Plank Slab (6) Giant Root Planks (3)
Giant Root Plank Slab
Hearthgrove Plank Slab (6) Hearthgrove Planks (3)
Hearthgrove Plank Slab
Nibbletwig Plank Slab (6) Nibbletwig Planks (3)
Nibbletwig Plank Slab
Rotten Plank Slab (6) Rotten Planks (3)
Rotten Plank Slab
Thatch Slab (6) Thatch (3)
Thatch Slab
Betweenstone Slab (6) Betweenstone (3)
Betweenstone Slab
Betweenstone Brick Slab (6) Betweenstone Bricks (3)
Mossy Betweenstone Brick Slab (6) Mossy Betweenstone Bricks (3)
Mossy Betweenstone Brick Slab
Cracked Betweenstone Brick Slab (6) Cracked Betweenstone Bricks (3)
Cracked Betweenstone Brick Slab
Smooth Betweenstone Slab (6) Smooth Betweenstone (3)
Mossy Smooth Betweenstone Slab (6) Mossy Smooth Betweenstone (3)
Mossy Smooth Betweenstone Slab
Cragrock Slab (6) Cragrock (3)
Cragrock Slab
Cragrock Brick Slab (6) Cragrock Bricks (3)
Cragrock Brick Slab
Smooth Cragrock Slab (6) Smooth Cragrock (3)
Smooth Cragrock Slab
Limestone Slab (6) Limestone (3)
Limestone Slab
Limestone Brick Slab (6) Limestone Bricks (3)
Limestone Brick Slab
Polished Limestone Slab (6) Polished Limestone (3)
Polished Limestone Slab
Pitstone Slab (6) Pitstone (3)
Pitstone Slab
Pitstone Brick Slab (6) Pitstone Bricks (3)
Pitstone Brick Slab
Smooth Pitstone Slab (6) Smooth Pitstone (3)
Smooth Pitstone Slab
Compacted Mud Slab (6) Compacted Mud (3)
Compacted Mud Slab
Mud Brick Slab (6) Mud Bricks (3)
Mud Brick Slab
Sludgy Mud Brick Slab 1 (6) Sludgy Mud Bricks 1 (3)
Sludgy Mud Brick Slab 2 (6) Sludgy Mud Bricks 2 (3)
Sludgy Mud Brick Slab 3 (6) Sludgy Mud Bricks 3 (3)
Sludgy Mud Brick Slab 4 (6) Sludgy Mud Bricks 4 (3)
Mud Brick Shingle Slab (6) Mud Brick Shingles (3)
Mud Brick Shingle Slab
Solid Tar Slab (6) Solid Tar (3)
Solid Tar Slab
Scabyst Brick Slab (6) Scabyst Bricks (3)
Scabyst Brick Slab
Temple Brick Slab (6) Temple Bricks (3)
Temple Brick Slab


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Weedwood Plank Stairs (4) Weedwood Planks (6)
Weedwood Plank Stairs
Rubber Tree Plank Stairs (4) Rubber Tree Planks (6)
Rubber Tree Plank Stairs
Giant Root Plank Stairs (4) Giant Root Planks (6)
Giant Root Plank Stairs
Hearthgrove Plank Stairs (4) Hearthgrove Planks (6)
Hearthgrove Plank Stairs
Nibbletwig Plank Stairs (4) Nibbletwig Planks (6)
Nibbletwig Plank Stairs
Rotten Plank Stairs (4) Rotten Planks (6)
Rotten Plank Stairs
Betweenstone Stairs (4) Betweenstone (6)
Betweenstone Stairs
Betweenstone Brick Stairs (4) Betweenstone Bricks (6)
Mossy Betweenstone Brick Stairs (4) Mossy Betweenstone Bricks (6)
Mossy Betweenstone Brick Stairs
Cracked Betweenstone Brick Stairs (4) Cracked Betweenstone Bricks (6)
Cracked Betweenstone Brick Stairs
Smooth Betweenstone Stairs (4) Smooth Betweenstone (6)
Mossy Smooth Betweenstone Stairs (4) Mossy Smooth Betweenstone (6)
Mossy Smooth Betweenstone Stairs
Cragrock Stairs (4) Cragrock (6)
Cragrock Stairs
Cragrock Brick Stairs (4) Cragrock Bricks (6)
Cragrock Brick Stairs
Smooth Cragrock Stairs (4) Smooth Cragrock (6)
Smooth Cragrock Stairs
Limestone Stairs (4) Limestone (6)
Limestone Stairs
Limestone Brick Stairs (4) Limestone Bricks (6)
Limestone Brick Stairs
Polished Limestone Stairs (4) Polished Limestone (6)
Polished Limestone Stairs
Pitstone Stairs (4) Pitstone (6)
Pitstone Stairs
Pitstone Brick Stairs (4) Pitstone Bricks (6)
Pitstone Brick Stairs
Smooth Pitstone Stairs (4) Smooth Pitstone (6)
Smooth Pitstone Stairs
Mud Brick Stairs (4) Mud Bricks (6)
Mud Brick Stairs
Sludgy Mud Brick Stairs 1 (4) Sludgy Mud Bricks 1 (6)
Sludgy Mud Brick Stairs 2 (4) Sludgy Mud Bricks 2 (6)
Sludgy Mud Brick Stairs 3 (4) Sludgy Mud Bricks 3 (6)
Sludgy Mud Brick Stairs 4 (4) Sludgy Mud Bricks 4 (6)
Mud Brick Shingle Stairs (4) Mud Brick Shingles (6)
Mud Brick Shingle Stairs
Solid Tar Stairs (4) Solid Tar (6)
Solid Tar Stairs
Scabyst Brick Stairs (4) Scabyst Bricks (6)
Scabyst Brick Stairs
Temple Brick Stairs (4) Temple Bricks (6)
Temple Brick Stairs


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Thatch Roof (4) Thatch (6)
Thatch Roof
Compacted Mud Slope (4) Compacted Mud (6)
Compacted Mud Slope
Mud Brick Shingle Roof (4) Mud Brick (6)
Mud Brick Shingle Roof


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Weedwood Plank Fence (3) Weedwood Planks (4) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Weedwood Plank Fence
Weedwood Log Fence (3) Any Weedwood Log (4) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Rubber Tree Plank Fence (3) Rubber Tree Planks (4) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Rubber Tree Plank Fence
Giant Root Plank Fence (3) Giant Root Planks (4) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Giant Root Plank Fence
Hearthgrove Plank Fence (3) Hearthgrove Planks (4) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Hearthgrove Plank Fence
Nibbletwig Plank Fence (3) Nibbletwig Planks (4) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Nibbletwig Plank Fence
Rotten Plank Fence (3) Rotten Planks (4) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Rotten Plank Fence


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Betweenstone Wall (6) Betweenstone (6)
Betweenstone Wall
Betweenstone Brick Wall (6) Betweenstone Bricks (6)
Mossy Betweenstone Brick Wall (6) Mossy Betweenstone Bricks (6)
Mossy Betweenstone Brick Wall
Cracked Betweenstone Brick Wall (6) Cracked Betweenstone Bricks (6)
Cracked Betweenstone Brick Wall
Smooth Betweenstone Wall (6) Smooth Betweenstone (6)
Mossy Smooth Betweenstone Wall (6) Mossy Smooth Betweenstone (6)
Mossy Smooth Betweenstone Wall
Cragrock Wall (6) Cragrock (6)
Cragrock Wall
Cragrock Brick Wall (6) Cragrock Bricks (6)
Cragrock Brick Wall
Smooth Cragrock Wall (6) Smooth Cragrock (6)
Smooth Cragrock Wall
Limestone Wall (6) Limestone (6)
Limestone Wall
Limestone Brick Wall (6) Limestone Bricks (6)
Limestone Brick Wall
Polished Limestone Wall (6) Polished Limestone (6)
Polished Limestone Wall
Pitstone Wall (6) Pitstone (6)
Pitstone Wall
Pitstone Brick Wall (6) Pitstone Bricks (6)
Pitstone Brick Wall
Smooth Pitstone Wall (6) Smooth Pitstone (6)
Smooth Pitstone Wall
Mud Brick Wall (6) Mud Bricks (6)
Mud Brick Wall
Mud Brick Shingle Wall (6) Mud Brick Shingles (6)
Mud Brick Shingle Wall
Solid Tar Wall (6) Solid Tar (6)
Solid Tar Wall
Scabyst Brick Wall (6) Scabyst Bricks (6)
Scabyst Brick Wall
Temple Brick Wall (6) Temple Bricks (6)
Temple Brick Wall

Utility Blocks[]

Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Alembic Cragrock (2) + Octine Ingot (2) + Green Dentrothyst + Green Dentrothyst Vial
Switches Amate Paper Lantern variant Amate Paper Lantern
Animator Weedwood Planks (3) + Weedwood Stick (2) + Betweenstone (3) + Wight's Heart
Blank Amate Paper Lantern Weedwood Plank Slab (3) + Any Amate Paper Pane (2) + Firefly (item) + Weedwood Planks (3)
Blank Amate Paper Lantern
Censer Mud Bricks (3) + Ancient Remnant (5) + Cremains
Climbing Rope Reed Rope or Hanger or Seeded Hanger (3)
Compost Bin Weedwood Planks (5) + Syrmorite Ingot (2)
Compost Bin
Dual Sulfur Furnace Betweenstone (8) + Sulfur Furnace
Dual Sulfur Furnace
Gecko Cage Syrmorite Ingot (4) + Weedwood Plank Slab (2) + Reed Rope (3)
Gecko Cage
Infuser Octine Ingot (5) + Pestle + Weedwood Stick (2)
Item Shelf (3) Weedwood Plank Slab (6)
Item Shelf
Mortar Cragrock (5) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Moss Bed Moss or Moss (item) or Cave Moss or Cave Moss (item) (3) + Weedwood Planks (3)
Mud Brick Flower Pot Mud Brick (3)
Mud Brick Flower Pot
Mud Brick Flower Pot with Candle Mud Brick Flower Pot + Sulfur Torch
Purifier Weedwood Planks (5) + Octine Ingot (3)
Repeller Green Dentrothyst Vial + Weedwood Stick (2) + Cragrock
Silt Glass Lantern Weedwood Plank Slab (3) + Silt Glass Pane (2) + Firefly (item) + Weedwood Planks (3)
Silt Glass Lantern
Sulfur Furnace Betweenstone (8)
Sulfur Furnace
Sulfur Torch (4) Weedwood Stick + Sulfur
Sulfur Torch
Syrmorite Barrel Syrmorite Ingot (8) + Weedwood Barrel
Syrmorite Barrel
Syrmorite Hopper Syrmorite Ingot (5) + Weedwood Chest
Syrmorite Hopper
Weedwood Barrel Weedwood Planks (3) + Weedwood Plank Slab (2) + Syrmorite Ingot (2) + Tar Drip + Weedwood Bucket (empty)
Weedwood Barrel
Weedwood Chest Weedwood Planks (8)
Weedwood Chest
Weedwood Crafting Table Weedwood Planks (4)
Weedwood Crafting Table
Weedwood Jukebox Weedwood Planks (8) + Valonite Shard
Weedwood Jukebox
Weedwood Ladder (3) Reed Rope (4) + Weedwood Stick (3)
Weedwood Ladder
Weedwood Lever Weedwood Stick + Any Weedwood Log
Weedwood Lever
Weedwood Sign (3) Weedwood Planks (6) + Weedwood Stick
Weedwood Sign
Wind Chime Reed Rope (2) + Ancient Remnant (4) + Orange Dentrothyst Shard
Wind Chime


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Weedwood Door (3) Weedwood Planks (6)
Weedwood Door
Rubber Tree Plank Door (3) Rubber Tree Planks (6)
Rubber Tree Plank Door
Giant Root Plank Door (3) Giant Root Planks (6)
Giant Root Plank Door
Hearthgrove Plank Door (3) Hearthgrove Planks (6)
Hearthgrove Plank Door
Nibbletwig Plank Door (3) Nibbletwig Planks (6)
Nibbletwig Plank Door
Syrmorite Door (3) Syrmorite Ingot (6)
Syrmorite Door
Scabyst Door (3) Scabyst (6)
Scabyst Door


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Weedwood Trapdoor (2) Weedwood Planks (6)
Weedwood Trapdoor
Rubber Tree Plank Trapdoor (2) Rubber Tree Planks (6)
Rubber Tree Plank Trapdoor
Giant Root Plank Trapdoor (2) Giant Root Planks (6)
Giant Root Plank Trapdoor
Hearthgrove Plank Trapdoor (2) Hearthgrove Planks (6)
Hearthgrove Plank Trapdoor
Nibbletwig Plank Trapdoor (2) Nibbletwig Planks (6)
Nibbletwig Plank Trapdoor
Syrmorite Trapdoor (2) Syrmorite Ingot (6)
Syrmorite Trapdoor
Scabyst Trapdoor (2) Scabyst (6)
Scabyst Trapdoor

Fence Gates[]

Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Weedwood Plank Fence Gate Weedwood Planks (2) + Weedwood Stick (4)
Weedwood Plank Fence Gate
Weedwood Log Fence Gate Any Weedwood Log (2) + Weedwood Stick (4)
Rubber Tree Plank Fence Gate Rubber Tree Planks (2) + Weedwood Stick (4)
Rubber Tree Plank Fence Gate
Giant Root Plank Fence Gate Giant Root Planks (2) + Weedwood Stick (4)
Giant Root Plank Fence Gate
Hearthgrove Plank Fence Gate Hearthgrove Planks (2) + Weedwood Stick (4)
Hearthgrove Plank Fence Gate
Nibbletwig Plank Fence Gate Nibbletwig Planks (2) + Weedwood Stick (4)
Nibbletwig Plank Fence Gate
Rotten Plank Fence Gate Rotten Planks (2) + Weedwood Stick (4)
Rotten Plank Fence Gate

Pressure Plates[]

Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Weedwood Plank Pressure Plate Weedwood Planks (2)
Weedwood Plank Pressure Plate
Betweenstone Pressure Plate Smooth Betweenstone (2)
Betweenstone Pressure Plate
Syrmorite Pressure Plate Syrmorite Ingot (2)
Syrmorite Pressure Plate


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Weedwood Plank Button Weedwood Planks
Weedwood Plank Button
Betweenstone Button Smooth Betweenstone
Betweenstone Button

Material Items[]

Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Amate Paper (9) Dry Bark (3)
Amate Paper
Aqua Middle Gem (9) Aqua Middle Gem Block
Aqua Middle Gem 2
Crimson Middle Gem (9) Crimson Middle Gem Block
Crimson Middle Gem 2
Fabricated Scroll Amate Paper + Loot Scraps (3)
Fabricated Scroll
Green Middle Gem (9) Green Middle Gem Block
Green Middle Gem 2
Octine Ingot Octine Nugget (9)
Octine Ingot 3
Octine Ingot (9) Block of Octine
Octine Ingot 2
Octine Nugget (9) Octine Ingot
Octine Nugget 1
Reed Rope (4) Swamp Reed (item) (3)
Reed Rope
Rubber Ball (9) Rubber Block
Rubber Ball 2
Scabyst (9) Block of Scabyst
Slimy Bone (9) Slimy Bone Block
Slimy Bone
Sulfur (9) Sulfur Block
Syrmorite Ingot Syrmorite Nugget (9)
Syrmorite Ingot 3
Syrmorite Ingot (9) Block of Syrmorite
Syrmorite Ingot 2
Syrmorite Nugget (9) Syrmorite Ingot
Syrmorite Nugget 1
Tar Beast Heart Wight's Heart + Tar Drip (8)
Tar Beast Heart
Valonite Shard Valonite Splinter (9)
Valonite Shard 3
Valonite Shard (9) Block of Valonite
Valonite Shard 1
Valonite Splinter (9) Valonite Shard
Valonite Splinter 1
Weedwood Bowl (4) Weedwood Planks (3)
Weedwood Bowl
Weedwood Stick (4) Weedwood Planks (2)
Weedwood Stick


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Crabstick (3) Silt Crab Claw (3)
Gert's Donut Reed Donut + Slimeball + Wight's Heart
Gert's Donut
Jam Donut Reed Donut + White Pear
Jam Donut
Mire Scramble Weedwood Bowl + Cooked Mire Snail Egg + Yellow Dotted Fungus
Mire Scramble
Nettle Soup Weedwood Bowl + Black Hat Mushroom (item) + Flathead Mushroom (item) + Nettle or Flowered Nettle
Nettle Soup
Nibblestick (4) Any Nibbletwig Log (2)
Reed Donut Dried Swamp Reed (4)
Reed Donut
Sap Jello Sludge Jello + Ball of Sap
Sap Jello
Sushi (3) Swamp Kelp (item) (3) + Raw Angler Meat (3) + Ground Lichen (3)
Weeping Blue Petal Salad Weedwood Bowl + Weeping Blue Petal (6)
Weeping Blue Petal Salad
White Pear Jello Sludge Jello + White Pear
White Pear Jello


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Angler Tooth Arrow (4) Angler Tooth + Weedwood Stick + Dragonfly Wing
Angler Tooth Arrow
Betweenstone Pebble (2) Betweenstone
Betweenstone Pebble
Boots of the Marsh Runner Rubber Boots + Byrginaz Aspect Vial (1.0)
Coats corresponding Tool or Weapon (75 points per piece) Any corrodable Tool or Weapon + Scabyst (1-8)
Coated Tools and Weapons
Removes Corrosion from corresponding Tool or Weapon (85 points per item) Any corroded Tool or Weapon + Sap Spit (1-8)
Green Dentrothyst Shield Green Dentrothyst (6) + Weedwood Stick
Green Dentrothyst Shield
Green Polished Dentrothyst Shield Green Polished Dentrothyst (6) + Weedwood Stick
Green Polished Dentrothyst Shield
Applies corresponding Middle Gem to corresponding Armor piece Any applicable Armor piece + Any Middle Gem
Middle Gem Circle Armor
Applies corresponding Middle Gem to corresponding Shield Any Shield + Any Middle Gem
Middle Gem Circle Shields
Applies corresponding Middle Gem to corresponding Tool or Weapon Any Tool or Weapon + Any Middle Gem
Middle Gem Circle Tools and Weapons
Net Weedwood Stick (3) + Reed Rope (4)
Orange Dentrothyst Shield Orange Dentrothyst (6) + Weedwood Stick
Orange Dentrothyst Shield
Orange Polished Dentrothyst Shield Orange Polished Dentrothyst (6) + Weedwood Stick
Orange Polished Dentrothyst Shield
Poisoned Angler Tooth Arrow Poison Gland + Angler Tooth Arrow
Poisoned Angler Tooth Arrow
Rubber Boots Rubber Ball (4)
Rubber Boots
Simple Slingshot Reed Rope (2) + Weedwood Stick
Simple Slingshot


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Living Weedwood Shield Weedwood Shield + Small Animated Spirit Tree Face Mask
Weedwood Axe Weedwood Planks (3) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Weedwood Axe
Weedwood Bow Weedwood Stick (3) + Reed Rope (3)
Weedwood Bow
Weedwood Bucket Weedwood Planks (3) + Reed Rope
Weedwood Bucket
Weedwood Pickaxe Weedwood Planks (3) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Weedwood Pickaxe
Weedwood Shield Any Weedwood Log (6) + Reed Rope
Weedwood Shield
Weedwood Shovel Weedwood Planks + Weedwood Stick (2)
Weedwood Shovel
Weedwood Sword Weedwood Planks (2) + Weedwood Stick
Weedwood Sword

Lurker Skin[]

Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Lurker Skin Boots Lurker Skin (4)
Lurker Skin Boots
Lurker Skin Chestplate Lurker Skin (8)
Lurker Skin Chestplate
Lurker Skin Helmet Lurker Skin (5)
Lurker Skin Helmet
Lurker Skin Leggings Lurker Skin (7)
Lurker Skin Leggings
Lurker Skin Shield Lurker Skin (6) + Weedwood Stick
Lurker Skin Shield

Slimy Bone[]

Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Bone Axe Slimy Bone (3) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Bone Axe
Bone Boots Slimy Bone (4)
Bone Boots
Bone Chestplate Slimy Bone (8)
Bone Chestplate
Bone Helmet Slimy Bone (5)
Bone Helmet
Bone Leggings Slimy Bone (7)
Bone Leggings
Bone Pickaxe Slimy Bone (3) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Bone Pickaxe
Bone Shield Slimy Bone (6) + Reed Rope
Bone Shield
Bone Shovel Slimy Bone + Weedwood Stick (2)
Bone Shovel
Bone Sword Slimy Bone (2) + Weedwood Stick
Bone Sword


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Octine Arrow (4) Octine Ingot + Weedwood Stick + Dragonfly Wing
Octine Arrow
Octine Axe Octine Axe (3) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Octine Axe
Octine Pickaxe Octine Ingot (3) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Octine Pickaxe
Octine Shield Octine Ingot (7)
Octine Shield
Octine Shovel Octine Shovel + Weedwood Stick (2)
Octine Shovel
Octine Sword Octine Ingot (2) + Weedwood Stick
Octine Sword


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Syrmorite Boots Syrmorite Ingot (4)
Syrmorite Boots
Syrmorite Bucket Syrmorite Ingot (3) + Reed Rope
Syrmorite Bucket
Syrmorite Chestplate Syrmorite Ingot (8)
Syrmorite Chestplate
Syrmorite Helmet Syrmorite Ingot (5)
Syrmorite Helmet
Syrmorite Leggings Syrmorite Ingot (7)
Syrmorite Leggings
Syrmorite Shears Syrmorite Ingot (2)
Syrmorite Shears
Syrmorite Shield Syrmorite Ingot (7)
Syrmorite Shield


Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Valonite Axe Valonite Axe (3) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Valonite Axe
Valonite Boots Valonite Shard (4)
Valonite Boots
Valonite Chestplate Valonite Shard (8)
Valonite Chestplate
Valonite Greataxe Valonite Shard (2) + Weedwood Stick (2) + Valonite Axe
Valonite Greataxe
Valonite Helmet Valonite Shard (5)
Valonite Helmet
Valonite Leggings Valonite Shard (7)
Valonite Leggings
Valonite Pickaxe Valonite Shard (3) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Valonite Pickaxe
Valonite Shield Valonite Shard (6) + Pitstone
Valonite Shield
Valonite Shovel Valonite Shard + Weedwood Stick (2)
Valonite Shovel
Valonite Sword Valonite Shard (2) + Weedwood Stick
Valonite Sword

Herblore Items[]

Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Corresponding Dentrothyst Vial Any Aspect Vial
Green Dentrothyst Vial Green Dentrothyst Shard (3) + Rubber Ball
Green Dentrothyst Vial 1
Herblore Book Lurker Skin (6) + Amate Paper (3)
Herblore Book
Adds combined discoveries to all Herblore Books Herblore Book (2-9)
Orange Dentrothyst Vial Orange Dentrothyst Shard (3) + Rubber Ball
Orange Dentrothyst Vial
Pestle Cragrock (2) + Weedwood Stick
Sickle Valonite Shard (3) + Weedwood Stick + Reed Rope

Other Items[]

Résultat Ingrédients Recette
Amulet (empty) Reed Rope (5) + Amulet Socket
Amulet 1
Applies corresponding Middle Gem to Amulet Amulet (empty) + Any Middle Gem
Amulet 2
Caving Rope (16) Climbing Rope (8) + Bulb-Capped Mushrooms
Caving Rope
Compost (9) Block of Compost
Draeton Draeton Balloon (3) + Reed Rope (2) + Syrmorite Ingot (2) + Any Weedwood Rowboat + Draeton Burner
Draeton Anchor Upgrade Syrmorite Ingot (3) + Reed Rope + Grappling Hook
Draeton Anchor Upgrade
Draeton Balloon Rubber Ball (5) + Lurker Skin (3)
Draeton Balloon
Draeton Burner Ancient Remnant (5) + Undying Embers + Censer
Draeton Burner
Draeton Crafting Upgrade Weedwood Plank Slab (2) + Weedwood Stick (2) + Octine Ingot + Weedwood Crafting Table
Draeton Crafting Upgrade
Draeton Furnace Upgrade Weedwood Plank Slab (2) + Weedwood Stick (2) + Syrmorite Ingot + Sulfur Furnace
Draeton Furnace Upgrade
Empty Amate Map Any Middle Gem + Amate Paper (8)
Empty Amate Map
Grappling Hook Shambler Tongue (2) + Angler Tooth (4) + Slimy Bone
Grappling Hook
Upgrades Grappling Hook with additional segment Angler Tooth (2) + Shambler Tongue + Grappling Hook
Upgrade Grappling Hook
Inanimate Angry Pebble Cremains + Sulfur + Betweenstone Button + Betweenstone
Large Gallery Frame Small Gallery Frame (4)
Large Gallery Frame
Charges Life Crystal (12-13% per heart) Uncharged Life Crystal + Wight's Heart (1-8)
Life Crystal
Lurker Skin Patch (3) Tar Drip + Lurker Skin
Lurker Skin Patch
Lurker Skin Pouch (9 slots) Lurker Skin (5) + Reed Rope (3)
Lurker Skin Pouch
Upgrades Lurker Skin Pouch with 9 extra slots Lurker Skin Pouch + Lurker Skin (8)
Mummy Bait Aspect Vial - Armaniis (1.0) + Animated Tar Beast Heart + Shimmerstone + Sludge Ball
Mummy Bait
Plant Tonic Any Bucket (Swamp Water) + Ball of Sap
Plant Tonic
Small Gallery Frame Weedwood Stick (8) + Lurker Skin
Small Gallery Frame
Swamp Talisman Moss or Moss (item) or Cave Moss or Cave Moss (item) + Slimy Bone + Life Crystal
Swamp Talisman 2
Tarminion Tar Drip (8) + Animated Tar Beast Heart
Tarminion 1
Very Large Gallery Frame Large Gallery Frame (4)
Very Large Gallery Frame
Volarkite Volarpad or Volarpad Leaf (3) + Reed Rope (2) + Weedwood Stick (2)
Volarkite 1
Weedwood Rowboat Weedwood Planks (5)
Weedwood Rowboat
Weedwood Rowboat Lantern Upgrade Weedwood Plank Slab (3) + Reed Rope (2) + Firefly (item) + Weedwood Planks (3)
Weedwood Rowboat Lantern Upgrade
Divers The Betweenlands
Recettes AnimationBroyageCuissonFabricationFiltrageFumageMacérationPurification Macération
Autres procédés CompostageDécoupageEncensementFiltration par eauInfusion
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