Beta 1.0.4 was an update to the Betweenlands for Minecraft 1.7.10 that was released on June 12, 2016. It added tainted potions, among other features, tweaks and bug fixes.
- Added non-shader sky dome when graphics are set to fancy
- Fixed incompatibilities with Shaders Mod (requires BL shaders to be turned off in the config!)
- Pyrads now spawn around Giant Weedwood Trees (only newly generated ones)
- Fixed crash when shooting Primordial Malevolence with Twilight Forest Mortar
- Overworld food now rots when picked up from ground or another inventory (e.g. Ender Chest)
- Overworld potions now turn into Tainted Potions upon entering the Betweenlands
- Decreased fog in caves
- Fixed some hostile entities attempting to spawn in peaceful mode
- Fixed "not enough space for portal tree" message not showing up in MP
- Fixed possessing Wight offset incorrect for outside viewers
- Added Herblore Book navigation keys (Scrolling/Strafe left/Strafe right: turn page, Backspace: previous page)
- Fixed decay causing hands to become transparent