Beta 2.0.2 was an update to the Betweenlands for Minecraft 1.10.2 that was released on March 9, 2017. It added some new blocks, tweaks, bug fixes and the ability to add custom recipes to Betweenlands utility blocks.
- Fixed random damage when in Weedwood Rowboat
- Fixed torches not being placeable on BL fences and walls
- Fixed some crashes related to various TileEntity renderers
- Fixed missing Ore harvest levels
- Fixed Scabyst coating recipe dupe bug
- Increased mob spawning (make sure to update the config and set "Max. entities per loaded area" to 250 for this!)
- Voodoo Dolls no longer work on Players
- Swamp Grass, Swamp Dirt and Mud can now properly sustain non-BL plants
- Lowered XP drops from Sulfur Ore
- Added OreDict entries for various blocks
- Added missing lang
- Added custom recipes (explanation and example file on the Wiki under Configuration)
- Added Dark Druid Altar and Pestle & Mortar recipes to API
- Added regular Betweenstone Slabs, Stairs and Walls