The Betweenlands Wiki
The Betweenlands Wiki

2016-08-06 10.30

A large descending Cavern with Limestone

2016-08-06 10.28

A very dark Cavern, near the bottom of the layer

The Cavern layer of The Betweenlands begins just below the surface, at a Y-layer of 100, and continues down until it reaches the Lake Cavern layer, at Y=45.

The caves can range from very small to tremendously large, and contain many ores and unique plants. There are sometimes small breaks on the surface which lead to these caverns, and occasionally giant ravines creating deep cuts in the earth that expose ores and other potential systems of caves. Occasionally large seams of limestone, often called Limestone Caverns, can be found. The fog is very dense down here, and an alternative ambient track plays, slowly fading in from the surface ambience starting from Y=110 downwards. There are also additional cave ambience noises that play occasionally.

The Cavern layer has a location title that appears briefly to players who enter it.


The Cavern layer consists of:


Swamp Hags, Wights, Chiromaws, Infestations, Stalkers and Boulder Sprites can spawn down here, and rarely Harlequin Toads if the above biome supports them.


Underground Oases can generate down here somewhat uncommonly, and Tar Pool Dungeons more rarely.


Pots uncommonly spawn in these caves as treasure, using cave_pot as their loot table.


Advancement In-game Description Parent Actual Requirements ID
Advanced Darkness
Enter a cave Miner Enter the Cavern or Lake Cavern layer miner


ambient_cave: ambient_cave_spook_1: ambient_cave_spook_2: ambient_cave_spook_3:


  • Beta 3.5.0: Pot loot table changed from common_pot_loot to cave_pot.
  • Release 3.4.0: Added Boulder Sprites to mob spawns.
  • Release 3.3.1: Added new ambient tracks.
  • Release 3.3.0: Added Advancement.
  • Beta 2.0.3: Reimplemented Tar Pool Dungeons into generation.
  • Beta 2.0.0:
    • Added Ravines and Underground Oases to generation.
    • Added Moss and Lichen to decoration.
    • Significantly reduced the number of Pots of Chance that spawn.
    • Temporarily removed Tar Pool Dungeons from generation.
  • Beta 1.0.0: Introduced.
The Betweenlands Environment
Dimensions The BetweenlandsThe NetherThe Overworld
Biomes Coarse Islands (Raised Isles) • Deep WatersMarsh (Marsh 0Marsh 1) • Patchy IslandsSludge Plains (Clearing) • Swamplands (Clearing)
Natural Cavern (Lake) • Chiromaw Matriarch NestCragrock SpireGiant Bulb-Capped MushroomGiant Hollow LogGiant RootHearthgrove TreeNibbletwig TreeRaised IslandRubber TreeSap TreeSilt BeachSpirit TreeUnderground OasisWeedwood Tree (GiantRotten)
Buildings Cragrock TowerDruid CircleIdol Head StatueRuins (MarshSludge PlainsUndergroundUnderwater) • ShrineSludgeon (Barrishee LairCryptCrypt TunnelsLabyrinthine VaultsPit of DecaySludgeon TowerWinding Walkways) • Tar Pool DungeonWight Fortress
Post-Gen Portal TreeTunnel Entrances
Events AurorasBlood SkyDense FogHeavy Rain (Thunderstorm) • RiftSpookWinter (Snowfall)
Mechanics AspectsCorrosionDecayFood SicknessMiddle Gem CircleRadial Equipment MenuStench
Other AdvancementsEffectsLoot TablesMusic