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2015-10-18 12.51

The Compost Bin in-game


Collecting Compost from the bin

The Compost Bin is a utility block that converts certain items into Compost, an item essential for Farming.


Crafting Recipe[]

Result Ingredients Recipe
Compost Bin Weedwood Planks (5) + Syrmorite Ingot (2)
Compost Bin



The Compost Bin can be opened and closed with left-click. While open, it can be right-clicked with compostable items to put them inside. The number of items that can be put in is limited depending on their compost value, although the items do not all have to be the same. Attempting to put a non-compostable item in the Bin will display the message, "This item is not compostable". When the Bin is full, it will not accept any more items, and display the message, "The compost bin is full."

Once the lid is closed, the items inside will begin composting, indicated by the green particles emitting from the Bin. Items take a varying amount of time to compost depending on the item, and if there are multiple items inside with different time values, they will finish independently of each other. Each item will also yield a different amount of Compost depending on the item, so the amount of compost collected depends on the items composted.

When the bin is finished composting, the items will convert to a layer of compost that can now be collected. To do so, open the Bin again and right-click with a non-compostable item (or empty hand) to collect one Compost item at a time.

If the Compost Bin is destroyed while composting, items that have not finished will be recovered, but any finished compost will be lost.

Compost Times & Amounts[]

The following is a list of all compostable blocks and items, the amount of time they take to compost, and the compost value they add to the Bin. One Compost item is produced every 25 value points. This means having a total value between 1 and 25 will produce one Compost, between 26 and 50 will produce two Compost, and so on.

One Compost Bin can hold a maximum of 20 items at a time, but will also stop accepting items if the total compost value of the items inside reaches or exceeds 400.

Compost Values
Block/Item Time Compost Value Compost Value/min
SmallAlgae Algae 4 minutes 10 seconds 3 0.72
SmallArrowArum Arrow Arum 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallAspectrusSeeds Aspectrus Seeds 5 minutes 10 2.00
SmallBlackHatMushroom Black Hat Mushroom or
SmallBlackHatMushroomItem Black Hat Mushroom (item)
6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallBladderwortFlower Bladderwort Flower or
SmallBladderwortStalk Bladderwort Stalk
6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallBlueEyedGrass Blue Eyed Grass 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallBlueIris Blue Iris 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallBogBeanFlower Bog Bean Flower 6 minutes 40 seconds 6 0.90
SmallBoneset Boneset 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallBottlebrushGrass Bottlebrush Grass 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallBroomsedge Broomsedge 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallBulb-CappedMushroom Bulb-Capped Mushroom or
SmallBulb-CappedMushrooms Bulb-Capped Mushrooms
6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallButtonBush Button Bush 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallCardinalFlower Cardinal Flower 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallCattail Cattail 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallCaveGrass Cave Grass 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallCaveMoss Cave Moss 7 minutes 30 seconds 6 0.80
SmallClimbingRope Climbing Rope 4 minutes 10 seconds 3 0.72
SmallCopperIris Copper Iris 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallCryptweed Cryptweed 5 minutes 8 1.60
SmallLichen Dead Lichen 2 minutes 30 seconds 6 2.40
SmallMoss Dead Moss 2 minutes 30 seconds 6 2.40
SmallDeadWeedwoodBush Dead Weedwood Bush 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallDeepWaterCoral Deep Water Coral 7 minutes 30 seconds 6 0.80
SmallDoubleSwampTallgrass Double Swamp Tallgrass 8 minutes 20 seconds 6 0.72
SmallDriedSwampReed Dried Swamp Reed 4 minutes 10 seconds 3 0.72
SmallDryBark Dry Bark 10 minutes 30 3.00
SmallEdgeLeaf Edge Leaf 5 minutes 8 1.60
SmallEdgeMoss Edge Moss 5 minutes 8 1.60
SmallEdgeShrooms Edge Shrooms 5 minutes 8 1.60
SmallFallenLeaves Fallen Leaves 9 minutes 10 seconds 4 24/55 (approx 0.44)
SmallFlatheadMushroom Flathead Mushroom or
SmallFlatheadMushroomItem Flathead Mushroom (item)
6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallFloweredNettle Flowered Nettle 7 minutes 30 seconds 6 0.80
SmallGoldenClubFlower Golden Club Flower 6 minutes 40 seconds 6 0.90
SmallGroundItems Ground Items 3 minutes 20 seconds 3 0.90
SmallHanger Hanger or
Hanger Seeded Hanger
4 minutes 10 seconds 3 0.72
SmallHearthgroveLeaves Hearthgrove Leaves 9 minutes 10 seconds 4 24/55 (approx 0.44)
SmallHearthgroveSapling Hearthgrove Sapling 9 minutes 10 seconds 15 18/11 (approx 1.64)
SmallHollowLog Hollow Log 10 minutes 25 2.50
SmallLichen Lichen 7 minutes 30 seconds 6 0.80
SmallMarshHibiscus Marsh Hibiscus 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallMarshMallow Marsh Mallow 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallMarshMarigoldFlower Marsh Marigold Flower 6 minutes 40 seconds 6 0.90
SmallMilkweed Milkweed 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallMireCoral Mire Coral 7 minutes 30 seconds 6 0.80
SmallMoss Moss 7 minutes 30 seconds 6 0.80
SmallNettle Nettle 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallNibbletwigLeaves Nibbletwig Leaves 9 minutes 10 seconds 4 24/55 (approx 0.44)
SmallNibbletwigSapling Nibbletwig Sapling 9 minutes 10 seconds 15 18/11 (approx 1.64)
SmallPaleGrass Pale Grass 5 minutes 8 1.60
SmallPhragmites Phragmites 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallPickerelWeed Pickerel Weed 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallPitcherPlant Pitcher Plant 9 minutes 10 seconds 12 72/55 (approx 1.31)
SmallPlantItems Most Plant Items 3 minutes 20 seconds 3 0.90
SmallPoisonIvy Poison Ivy 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallReedRope Reed Rope 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallRoot Root 10 minutes 20 2.00
SmallRotbulb Rotbulb 5 minutes 8 1.60
SmallRottenBark Rotten Bark 10 minutes 25 2.50
SmallRubberTreeLeaves Rubber Tree Leaves 9 minutes 10 seconds 4 24/55 (approx 0.44)
SmallRubberTreeSapling Rubber Tree Sapling 9 minutes 10 seconds 15 18/11 (approx 1.64)
SmallSapTreeLeaves Sap Tree Leaves 9 minutes 10 seconds 4 24/55 (approx 0.44)
SmallSapTreeSapling Sap Tree Sapling 9 minutes 10 seconds 15 18/11 (approx 1.64)
SmallShoots Shoots 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallSludgecreep Sludgecreep 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallSoftRush Soft Rush 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallSpiritTreeLeaves Spirit Tree Leaves 9 minutes 10 seconds 6 36/55 (approx 0.65)
SmallSpiritTreeSapling Spirit Tree Sapling 9 minutes 10 seconds 25 30/11 (approx 2.73)
SmallSpores Spores 5 minutes 10 2.00
SmallStringRoots String Roots 5 minutes 8 1.60
SmallSundew Sundew 6 minutes 40 seconds 10 1.50
SmallSwampKelpItem Swamp Kelp (item) 4 minutes 10 seconds 3 0.72
SmallSwampPlant Swamp Plant 5 minutes 4 0.80
SmallSwampReedItem Swamp Reed (item) 4 minutes 10 seconds 3 0.72
SmallSwampTallgrass Swamp Tallgrass 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallTallCattail Tall Cattail 8 minutes 20 seconds 6 0.72
SmallTallSludgecreep Tall Sludgecreep 5 minutes 8 1.60
SmallTangledRoot Tangled Root 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallThorns Thorns 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallVenusFlyTrap Venus Fly Trap 8 minutes 20 seconds 12 1.44
SmallVolarpad Volarpad 9 minutes 10 seconds 15 18/11 (approx 1.64)
SmallWaterWeeds Water Weeds 6 minutes 40 seconds 5 0.75
SmallWeedwoodBush Weedwood Bush 10 minutes 20 2.00
SmallWeedwoodLeaves Weedwood Leaves 9 minutes 10 seconds 4 24/55 (approx 0.44)
SmallWeedwoodSapling Weedwood Sapling 9 minutes 10 seconds 15 18/11 (approx 1.64)
SmallWeepingBlue Weeping Blue 9 minutes 10 seconds 15 18/11 (approx 1.64)
SmallWhitePearSeeds White Pear Seeds 5 minutes 10 2.00
SmallYellowDottedFungus Yellow Dotted Fungus 8 minutes 20 seconds 12 1.44

Players can add their own compostable items in the recipes.json in the config.



The Compost Bin can be used as fuel for the Sulfur Furnace or Dual Sulfur Furnace, smelting 1.5 items per bin block.


  • Release 3.3.6:
    • Now opened by left-clicking.
    • Re-added composting particles.
  • Beta 1.0.0: Introduced.
The Betweenlands Blocks
Plants, Fungi, and Corals AlgaeArrow ArumBlack Hat MushroomBladderwortBlue Eyed GrassBlue IrisBog BeanBonesetBottlebrush GrassBroomsedgeBulb-Capped Mushroom (CapStalk) • Button BushCardinal FlowerCattail (Tall) • Cave GrassCopper IrisCryptweedDead GrassDead Weedwood BushDeep Water Coral • Edge Plants (LeafMossShrooms) • Flathead MushroomGolden ClubHanger • Leaves (FallenHearthgroveNibbletwigRubber TreeSap TreeSpirit TreeWeedwood) • Lichen • Logs (HearthgroveHollowNibbletwigRubber TreeSap TreeSpirit TreeWeedwood) • Marsh HibiscusMarsh MallowMarsh MarigoldMilkweedMire CoralMoss (Cave) • Nesting BlockNettlePale GrassPeat (Smoldering) • PhragmitesPickerel WeedPitcher PlantPoison IvyPortal FrameRoot (Giant) • Root PodRotbulbRotten Bark (Spreading) • Saplings (HearthgroveNibbletwigRubber TreeSap TreeSpirit TreeWeedwood) • Shelf FungusShootsSludgecreep (Tall) • Soft RushString RootsSundewSwamp GrassSwamp KelpSwamp PlantSwamp ReedSwamp Tallgrass (Double) • ThornsVenus Fly TrapVolarpadWater WeedsWeedwoodWeedwood BushWeeping Blue
Crops Aspectrus PlantBarnacle ClusterInfested Weedwood BushWhite Pear PlantYellow Dotted Fungus
Minerals Betweenlands BedrockBetweenstone (Pebble) • Cragrock (Mossy BottomMossy Top) • Dentrothysts (GreenOrange) • Life Crystal StalactiteLimestone • Middle Gem Ores (AquaCrimsonGreen) • Mud (Compacted) • Octine OrePitstoneScabyst OreSiltSlimy Bone OreSludgy Dirt (Spreading) • Solid TarStalactiteSulfur OreSyrmorite OreSwamp Dirt (Coarse) • Valonite Ore
Liquids PuddleRubberStagnant WaterSwamp WaterTar
Manufactured Amate Paper Panes (ConnectedRoundedSquared) • Ancient Remnant BlockBetweenstone Bricks (CrackedMossy) • Betweenstone PillarBetweenstone Tiles (CrackedMossy) • Block of CompostBlock of OctineBlock of PearlsBlock of ScabystBlock of SulfurBlock of SyrmoriteBlock of ValoniteCarved Mud Bricks (EdgeSludgySludgy Edge) • Chiseled BetweenstoneChiseled Cragrock (CrackedMossy) • Chiseled LimestoneChiseled PitstoneChiseled ScabystCragrock Bricks (CrackedMossy) • Cragrock PillarCragrock Tiles (CrackedMossy) • Damp TorchDeep Water Coral BlockFencesFiltered SiltLattice (Fine) • Limestone Bricks (CrackedMossy) • Limestone PillarLimestone Tiles • Middle Gem Blocks (AquaCrimsonGreen) • Mire Coral BlockMud Bricks (Sludgy) • Mud Brick Shingles (Dyed) • Mud Tiles (Cracked) • Pitstone BricksPitstone PillarPitstone Tiles • Planks (Giant Root (Treated) • Hearthgrove (Treated) • Nibbletwig (Treated) • Rotten (Treated) • Rubber Tree (Treated) • Weedwood (Treated)) • Polished Dentrothysts (GreenGreen PaneOrangeOrange Pane) • Polished LimestonePurified Swamp DirtReed Mat (Dyed) • Rubber BlockSamite (Canvas Panel) • Scabyst BricksScabyst Lined PitstoneSilt Glass (Filtered (DyedPane) • Pane) • SlabsSlimy Bone BlockSlopesSmooth Betweenstone (Mossy) • Smooth CragrockSmooth PitstoneStairsThatchWallsWeedwood Chip PathWeedwood WalkwayWorm Pillar (CapSludgy (Cap))
Utility AlembicAnimatorAspect Vials • Barrels (SyrmoriteWeedwood) • ButtonsCenserClimbing RopeCompost BinCrab Pot (Filter) • Dark Druid AltarDentrothyst VialsDoorsDug Swamp Dirt (Purified) • Dug Swamp Grass (Purified) • Fence GatesFish Trimming TableFishing Tackle BoxGecko CageGlowing GoopGrub HubInfuserItem ShelfLanterns (Amate Paper (BlankCheckeredFramed) • Silt Glass) • MenhirMortarMoss BedMoth HouseMud Brick Flower Pot (with Candle) • Pressure PlatesPurifierRepeller • Rubber Taps (SyrmoriteWeedwood) • Silt Glass Jar (Filtered) • Simulacra (DeepmanLake CavernRootman) • Smoking RackSteeping PotSulfur Furnace (Dual) • Sulfur Torch (Extinguished) • Syrmorite HopperTrapdoorsWater FilterWeedwood ChestWeedwood Crafting TableWeedwood JukeboxWeedwood LadderWeedwood LeverWeedwood SignWind Chime
Generated Angry BetweenstoneBaubleBeam Lens (Support) • Beam OriginBeam PassageBlack IceBrazierBroken Mud TilesCarved Rotten BarkDecayed Mud Tiles (Cracked) • Dungeon AlcoveDungeon Door (CryptMimic) • Dungeon Door CodeEnergy BarrierGlowing Betweenstone TileGlowing Smooth CragrockItem CageMirages (Betweenstone BricksCompacted Mud) • Monster Spawner (Tar Beast) • Offering TablePossessed BlockPot of Chance (Mud] • Tar) • PresentPuffshroomRotten Support BeamRune StoneRunged Mud BricksSludgeSnowSpike Traps (Mud BrickMud TilesPolished Limestone) • Urn of ChanceWall CandleWeak Blocks (Betweenstone TilesMossy Betweenstone TilesPolished Limestone) • Wisp
Unimplemented Circle Bricks (BronzeGoldSilver) • Corrupt BetweenstoneDungeon TileDungeon WallSlimy DirtSlimy GrassTemple Bricks (BloodyChiseledCrackedMossySmooth) • Temple PillarTotem Block