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The Betweenlands Wiki


Crypt Crawlers are hostile mobs that spawn within the Sludgeon and from the Crypt Crawler Tunnel Entrances that appear during the Blood Sky event.


Crypt Crawlers resemble large naked mole-rats. They carry several pouches affixed to a belt around their waist. Tattoo-like markings can be seen across their bodies, and their mouths, hands and feet also appear bloody.

An unarmed Crypt Crawler will travel on all-fours, only standing on their hind legs when attacked - a Crypt Crawler with a weapon will always be bipedal.


Crypt Crawlers have a chance to spawn holding Weedwood and Slimy Bone swords, axes, and shields, which they use to attack and defend when fighting. They may also spawn rarely with a Wight's Bane. If a Crypt Crawler spawns with equipment, it will also have increased health. There is a chance that these items will drop when they are killed, at low durability.

Rarely, a variant known as a Crypt Crawler Chief may spawn. Wielding an Octine Sword and Syrmorite Shield, they are noticeably larger than a normal Crypt Crawler. They are much more dangerous, with increased health and damage, as well as the ability to perform a shield charge attack that damages the player and sends them flying back.


Crypt Crawlers will spawn in the sixth layer of the Labyrinthine Vaults - a chief will also spawn from the Dungeon Door Mimic in the same layer, similar to how the Barrishee is encountered. Crypt Crawlers also spawn in the Winding Walkways, and four Crypt Crawler Tunnel Entrances are located in the Crypt Tunnels. These Entrances will continually spawn Crypt Crawlers when a player gets close until they have been sealed off by breaking the Hangers that suspend Carved Rotten Bark blocks over them.

These Entrances will also occasionally spawn on the surface in open areas during the Blood Sky event. These Entrances behave the same as those found in the Slugdeon, but will disappear on their own after spawning enough Crypt Crawlers, or when the Blood Sky event ends.


Crypt Crawlers are normally encountered in large numbers. Thus crowd control weapons such as the Shockwave Sword are very helpful when dealing with them. Otherwise, an Octine Shield is always handy. Basilisk Arrows can also be effective at stalling them, especially Chiefs.


The drops from Crypt Crawlers are primarily derived from the crypt_crawler loot table. They also have a chance to drop any of their held equipment.

The following is a list of all of the items that can be dropped by Crypt Crawlers, including their rolls, quantities, and weights.

Crypt Crawler Drops
Dropped Item Quantity Weight
1 Roll:
SmallReedRope Reed Rope 1 35/102 (34.31%)
SmallSyrmoriteNugget Syrmorite Nugget 1 15/102 (14.71%)
SmallOctineNugget Octine Nugget 1 13/102 (12.75%)
SmallDragonflyWing Dragonfly Wing 1 10/102 (9.8%)
SmallAmatePaper Amate Paper 1 10/102 (9.8%)
SmallLurkerSkin Lurker Skin 1 10/102 (9.8%)
SmallReedDonut Reed Donut 1 5/102 (4.9%)
SmallTarDrip Tar Drip 1 3/102 (2.94%)
SmallValoniteSplinter Valonite Splinter 1 1/102 (0.98%)
1 Roll:
SmallAncientRemnant Ancient Remnant 1-3 1/2 (50%)
Nothing N/A 1/2 (50%)
2 Rolls, if killed by player, Spook event only:
Nothing N/A 6/9 (66.67%)
SmallBlueCandy Blue Candy 1 1/9 (11.11%)
SmallRedCandy Red Candy 1 1/9 (11.11%)
SmallYellowCandy Yellow Candy 1 1/9 (11.11%)
1 Roll, if killed by player, Winter event only:
Nothing N/A 1/2 (50%)
SmallMincePie Mince Pie 1 1/2 (50%)

Visit the Loot Tables page for more information on loot.


Sound Subtitles Source Description ID
Hostile Plays when a Crypt Crawler spawns from a hole. crypt_crawler_dig
Hostile Plays when a Crypt Crawler dies. crypt_crawler_death

Hostile Plays when a Crypt Crawler takes damage. crypt_crawler_hurt

Hostile Plays when a Crypt Crawler is idle. crypt_crawler_living


The Betweenlands Mobs
Passive AnadiaCave Fish •  DragonflyFireflyFrogGeckoGreeblingGreebling CoracleMire SnailOlmRoot SpriteSporeling
Neutral Freshwater UrchinGreebling RiderJellyfishLurkerPyrad
Aggressive AnglerBlood SnailBubbler CrabCave JellyfishChiromawCrypt CrawlerDark DruidEmberling ShamanInfestationLampreyLeechLiving RootPeat MummyRock SnotShallowbreathShamblerSilt CrabSludge (Smol) • Sludge Worm (LargeSmallTiny) • Sprites (AshBoulder) • StalkerSwamp HagTar BeastTermiteWight
Tamable & Utility EmberlingHarlequin ToadTarminion
Chief BarrisheeChiromaw Matriarch
Boss Dreadful Peat MummyPrimordial MalevolenceSludge MenaceSpirit Tree
Unimplemented Temple Guardian