The Betweenlands Wiki
Not to be confused with Drinkable Brews (fluid), Infusions, or Tainted Potion.

Drinkable Brews are drinkable items that have varying effects. They can act as food items, saturation toppers, and/or weak alternatives to vanilla Potions or infusions.

There are 11 varieties of Drinkable Brew, all of which are made with combinations of various items, including certain Plant Items and Ground Items, in a steeping pot.



Any Drinkable Brew item can be collected by right-clicking a Steeping Pot containing the corresponding Drinkable Brew fluid with a Weedwood Bowl. Each bowl collects 250 mB worth of fluid, meaning that every steeping process yields up to 4 Drinkable Brew items.

See the Steeping page for more information on how to make Drinkable Brew fluids.



When drunk, each Drinkable Brew causes one or more varying effects, depending on the type. Most brews restore at least some saturation, but may do other things such as restoring hunger, granting useful status effects, or providing a temporary background effect that does not show up as a status effect and cannot be removed by effect-clearing items such as Tangled Roots. In every case, drinking one will return the empty Weedwood Bowl.

List of Drinkable Brews[]

The following is a list of all Drinkable Brews, their Steeping ingredients, and their effect/s upon drinking.

Drinkable Brews
Drinkable Brew Steeping Ingredients Effects
BigNettleSoup Nettle Soup Clean Water (1000 mB) + BigBlackHatMushroomItem Black Hat Mushroom (item) + BigFlatheadMushroomItem Flathead Mushroom (item) + BigNettle Nettle or BigFloweredNettle Flowered Nettle Restores 2 hunger and 0.6 saturation. Can be eaten even if the player's hunger bar is already full. Is not affected by Food Sickness.
BigNettleTea Nettle Tea Clean Water (1000 mB) + BigNettleLeaf Nettle Leaf (3) Restores 0.2 saturation.
BigPheromoneExtract Pheromone Extract Clean Water (1000 mB) + BigClutchofPheromoneThoraxes Clutch of Pheromone Thoraxes (4) Causes Infestations to act passive towards the player for 2 minutes. The infestation overlay from being near one can still damage the player.
BigSwampBroth Swamp Broth Clean Water (1000 mB) + BigRawSnailFlesh Raw Snail Flesh + BigBallofSap Ball of Sap + BigFlatheadMushroomItem Flathead Mushroom (item) Restores 0.2 saturation. Grants the InfusionEffect Elixir of Ripening II effect for 20 seconds, which restores the player's decay bar over time.
BigSturdyStock Sturdy Stock Clean Water (1000 mB) + BigRawSnailFlesh Raw Snail Flesh + BigBarnacleFlesh Barnacle Flesh + BigRawAnadiaMeat Raw Anadia Meat + BigGroundArrowArum Ground Arrow Arum Restores 2 saturation.
BigPearCordial Pear Cordial Clean Water (1000 mB) + BigWhitePear White Pear + BigSludgeBall Sludge Ball + BigSapSpit Sap Spit Restores 0.2 saturation. Reduces fall damage that the player takes down to 12.5% of the original damage for 20 seconds.
BigShaman'sBrew Shaman's Brew Clean Water (1000 mB) + BigWisp Wisp + BigBulb-CappedMushrooms Bulb-Capped Mushrooms + BigGroundMireCoral Ground Mire Coral Restores 0.2 saturation. Grants the InfusionEffect Hunter's Sense Brew II effect, which allows the player to see "scent trails" of mobs, and the vanilla Nightvision Night Vision II effect for 20 seconds each.
BigLakeBroth Lake Broth Clean Water (1000 mB) + BigCrabClaw Crab Claw + BigBarnacleFlesh Barnacle Flesh + BigRawAnadiaMeat Raw Anadia Meat + BigGroundAlgae Ground Algae Restores 0.2 saturation. Grants the vanilla Waterbreathing Water Breathing II effect for 20 seconds.
BigShellStock Shell Stock Clean Water (1000 mB) + BigRawSnailFlesh Raw Snail Flesh + BigGroundCrimsonSnailShell Ground Crimson Snail Shell + BigGroundOchreSnailShell Ground Ochre Snail Shell Restores 0.2 saturation. Prevents the player from getting stuck in Mud or Sludge blocks for 20 seconds.
BigFrogLegExtract Frog Leg Extract Clean Water (1000 mB) + BigRawFrog'sLeg Raw Frog's Leg (4) Restores 0.2 saturation. Grants the vanilla Jumpboost Jump Boost II effect for 20 seconds.
BigWitchTea Witch Tea Clean Water (1000 mB) + BigTinySludgeWormItem Tiny Sludge Worm (item) + BigChiromawWing Chiromaw Wing + BigRawFrog'sLeg Raw Frog's Leg + BigYellowDottedFungus Yellow Dotted Fungus Restores 0.2 saturation. Resets the Food Sickness values on all foods to 0 (unlike with Chiromaw Wings, this does not cause the tea to become sickening to drink itself). Spawns 4 Tiny Sludge Worm Helpers from the player, which will attack nearby aggressive and neutral mobs.


  • Release 3.9.4:
    • Lake Broth now grants the vanilla Water Breathing effect instead of the unused Shapeshifter's Draught of Gillsgrowth effect.
    • Shell Stock now prevents the player from getting stuck in Mud or Sludge blocks instead of granting the Lightweight Draught effect.
  • Release 3.9.0:
    • Nettle Soup is now a Drinkable Brew - crafting recipe has been replaced with steeping recipe, can now be eaten even if the player's hunger bar is already full, and is no longer affected by Food Sickness.
    • Nettle Soup now restores 2 hunger and 0.6 saturation, down from 6 each, but each recipe yields 4 instead of 1.
    • Added Nettle Tea, Pheromone Extract, Swamp Broth, Sturdy Stock, Pear Cordial, Shaman's Brew, Lake Broth, Shell Stock, Frog Leg Extract, and Witch Tea.
  • Release 3.8.0:
    • Updated texture.
    • Now restores 6 hunger and saturation, down from 10.
  • Beta 1.0.0: Nettle Soup introduced.
The Betweenlands Items
Materials Amate PaperAmulet Socket • Anadia Parts (BonesEyeFinsGillsRemainsScalesSwim Bladder) • Ancient RemnantAngler ToothCremains • Dentrothyst Shards (GreenOrange) • Dragonfly WingDried Swamp ReedDry BarkDyesItem Scroll (Fabricated) • Loot ScrapsLurker SkinMiddle Gems (AquaCrimsonGreen) • Mud BrickOctine Ingot (Nugget) • Pheromone Thorax (Clutch) • Poison GlandReed RopeRubber BallSap SpitScabystShambler TongueSlimy BoneSludge Ball • Snail Shells (CrimsonOchre) • Silk Grub CocoonSilk ThreadSnotSulfurSwamp KelpSwamp ReedSyrmorite Ingot (Nugget) • Tar Beast HeartTar DripUndying EmbersUrchin SpikeValonite Shard (Splinter) • Weedwood BowlWeedwood Stick
Consumables Ball of SapBarnacle Flesh (CookedSmoked) • CandiesCandy CaneChiromaw WingChristmas PuddingCrab Claw (Smoked) • Crabstick (Smoked) • Donuts (Gert'sJamReed) • Drinkable Brews (Frog Leg ExtractLake BrothNettle SoupNettle TeaPear CordialPheromone ExtractShaman's BrewShell StockSturdy StockSwamp BrothWitch Tea) • Forbidden FigFried Swamp Kelp • Jellos (SapSludgeWhite Pear) • Marshmallows (GreenPink) • Mince PieMire ScrambleMire Snail Egg (Cooked) • Mushrooms (Black HatBulb-CappedFlathead) • NibblestickOlm Egg Cluster (Baked) • Olmlette (Mixture) • Puffshroom Tendril (Smoked) • Raw Anadia Meat (CookedSmoked) • Raw Frog's Leg (FriedSmoked) • Raw Snail Flesh (SearedSmoked) • Rocksnot PearlRotten FoodSilk GrubSpirit FruitSushiTainted PotionTangled RootWeeping Blue Petal (Salad) • White Pear (Pearled) • Wight's HeartYellow Dotted Fungus
Equipment Amulet (BarkSlot) • Ancient Battle AxeAncient Greatsword • Armor Sets (Amphibious (Biopathic LinkstoneBiopathic Triggerstone) • AncientBoneLurker SkinSyrmoriteValonite) • Arrows (Angler Tooth (Poisoned) • BasiliskOctineShockSludge Worm) • Betweenstone PebbleBone Wayfinder • Bows (PredatorWeedwood) • Buckets (Clean WaterDrinkable BrewDyeFish Oil) • Chirobarb ErupterChiromaw BarbCritter CruncherExplorer's HatFishing Spear (Amphibious (Robust)) • Gem SingerGrappling HookHag HackerLurker Skin PouchMagic Item MagnetNetPlant Tonic • Rings (AscentDispersionGatheringPowerRecruitmentSummoning) • Rubber BootsSilk BundleSilk MaskSimple Slingshot • Shields (BoneDentrothystLurker SkinOctineSyrmoriteValoniteWeedwood (Living)) • Shockwave Sword (Piece) • Skull MaskSludge Slicer • Spirit Tree Face Masks (LargeSmall (Animated)) • Staffs (Mist WalkerShadow Walker) • Swift PickSyrmorite Shears • Tool Sets (BoneOctineValoniteWeedwood) • Valonite GreataxeVolarkiteVoodoo DollWeedwood Fishing Rod (Fishing Float and Hook) • Wight's Bane
Herblore Aspect VialsAspectrus FruitBottled FogBottled Shallowbreath • Dentrothyst Vials (DirtyGreenOrange) • Ground ItemsHerblore BookInfusion BucketsInfusionsPestlePlant ItemsSickle
Other Items Amate Map (Empty) • Amate Name TagAngry Pebble (InanimateSilky) • Aspectrus SeedsBarnacle Larvae • Caught Entities (AnadiaBubbler CrabCave FishChiromaw HatchlingDragonflyFireflyFreshwater UrchinGeckoJellyfishMire SnailOlmSilt CrabSludge Worm Egg SacTamed Chiromaw (Lightning) • Tiny Sludge Worm) • Caving RopeClimbing RopeCompostDoorsDraeton (BalloonBurner • Upgrades (Anchor UpgradeCrafting UpgradeFurnace Upgrade)) • Fish BaitFumigant • Gallery Frames (LargeSmallVery Large) • Glowing GoopGround Dried Swamp ReedItem FramesLife Crystal (Fragment) • Limestone FluxLore ScrapLurker Skin Patch • Mesh Strainers (MossSilk) • Moss BedMummy BaitMusic DiscsPyrad FlameRocksnot PodRune Door KeyShimmerstoneSporesSwamp Talisman (Piece) • Tarminion (Inanimate) • Weedwood Rowboat (Lantern UpgradeTarred) • Weedwood SignWhite Pear Seeds
Unimplemented Armor of LegendsGuide BookKraken Tentacle (Calamari) • Snapper RootStalker EyeSword of Legends