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The Betweenlands Wiki

This article is about the tamable Emberling. For the rod-wielding Emberling, see Emberling Shaman.

Emberlings are tamable hostile mobs that can be found rarely on Hearthgrove Logs in Patchy Islands biomes.


Emberlings resemble salamander nymphs - they are fiery red in color, with glowing yellow eyes. Their tails emit flame particles, which turn to smoke particles when the creature is submerged.

Emberlings are hostile creatures and will attack the player on sight. In addition to their contact attack, they will occasionally breathe fire at their target, igniting it. Emberlings are not hindered by water, and are in fact capable of moving faster than a player when swimming.

Emberlings can be tamed by being fed Undying Embers - a single ember is sufficient to tame one. Once tamed, their health will increase, and they will follow their owner. Tamed Emberlings will attack any entities which their owner attacks or which harm their owner, using both their melee and fire breathe attacks. They can be healed with Octine Nuggets or Octine Ingots, and will also slowly heal when atop an Octine Block. A tamed Emberling can be made to sit by right clicking it.

Tamed Emberlings can be applied with Amulets, giving them a Middle Gem Circle modifier that directly affects the player they are assigned to as well as the creature's own attacks. The number of amulets that they can equip at once can be extended with an Amulet Slot, and amulets can be taken off of them by shift right-clicking them.- NOTE: Amulet Slot extension for this mob is intended but not yet implemented.


There is not much in the way of just killing the thing, however taming it would be a lot more useful. Even if you lack a shield and it burns you, you can easily just jump into a nearby body of water and it should go down pretty quickly.


The drops from both wild and tamed Emberlings are derived from the emberling loot table.

The following is a list of all of the items that can be dropped by Emberlings, including their rolls, quantities, and weights.

Emberling Drops
Dropped Item Quantity Weight
1 Roll:
SmallOctineNugget Octine Nugget 1
(+1-3 per Looting level)
1/1 (100%)
1-2 Rolls, if killed by player:
SmallUndyingEmbers Undying Embers 0-1
(+0-1 per Looting level)
1/1 (100%)
2 Rolls, if killed by player, Spook event only:
Nothing N/A 8/11 (72.73%)
SmallBlueCandy Blue Candy 1 1/11 (9.09%)
SmallRedCandy Red Candy 1 1/11 (9.09%)
SmallYellowCandy Yellow Candy 1 1/11 (9.09%)
1 Roll, if killed by player, Winter event only:
Nothing N/A 3/4 (75%)
SmallMincePie Mince Pie 1 1/4 (25%)

Visit the Loot Tables page for more information on loot.


Sound Subtitles Source Description ID
Emberling dies Hostile
Neutral if tamed
Plays when an Emberling dies. emberling_death
Emberling shoots flames Hostile Plays when an Emberling attacks with flames. emberling_flames

Emberling hurts Hostile
Neutral if tamed
Plays when an Emberling takes damaged. emberling_hurt

Emberling clicks Hostile
Neutral if tamed
Plays randomly while an Emberling is alive. emberling_living


  • Release 3.8.0: Received a temporary buff,
    • Increased health from 40 to 90 HP; increased Octine Nuggets heal from 5 to 10HP and increased Heal from 1HP every minute to every 30 seconds while sleeping on an Octine Block.
    • Increased damage from 2 to 3.
  • Release 3.7.1: Updated Spawn Egg colors.
  • Release 3.5.5: Can now be equipped with Amulets and Amulet Slots.
  • Beta 3.5.0: Introduced.
The Betweenlands Mobs
Passive AnadiaCave Fish •  DragonflyFireflyFrogGeckoGreeblingGreebling CoracleMire SnailOlmRoot SpriteSporeling
Neutral Freshwater UrchinGreebling RiderJellyfishLurkerPyrad
Aggressive AnglerBlood SnailBubbler CrabCave JellyfishChiromawCrypt CrawlerDark DruidEmberling ShamanInfestationLampreyLeechLiving RootPeat MummyRock SnotShallowbreathShamblerSilt CrabSludge (Smol) • Sludge Worm (LargeSmallTiny) • Sprites (AshBoulder) • StalkerSwamp HagTar BeastTermiteWight
Tamable & Utility EmberlingHarlequin ToadTarminion
Chief BarrisheeChiromaw Matriarch
Boss Dreadful Peat MummyPrimordial MalevolenceSludge MenaceSpirit Tree
Unimplemented Temple Guardian