The Betweenlands Wiki

The following is a list of all Blocks that are added by the Betweenlands mod.

For their IDs, see Block IDs. For items, see Items.

Plants, Fungi, and Corals

  • LIconAlgae Algae: A flat plant-like block that grows just above water.
  • LIconArrowArum Arrow Arum: A red, arrow-tipped plant that spawns in Marshes.
  • IconBarnacleLarvae Barnacle Cluster: An aquatic organism that can be grown and harvested.
  • IconBlackHatMushroom Black Hat Mushroom: Small mushrooms with black caps that spawn in Swamplands.
  • LIconBladderwort Bladderwort: A pink-flowered plant that grows upwards from large water bodies.
  • LIconBlueEyedGrass Blue Eyed Grass: Low-lying grass with blue buds that spawns in Patchy Islands.
  • LIconBlueIris Blue Iris: A blue flower that spawns in Coarse Islands.
  • LIconBogBean Bog Bean: A white-flowered plant that spawns above water in Patchy Islands.
  • LIconBoneset Boneset: A white flower that spawns in Patchy Islands.
  • LIconBottlebrushGrass Bottlebrush Grass: A sparse grass that spawns in Marshes.
  • LIconBroomsedge Broomsedge: Large, broom-shaped grass that spawns in Marshes.
  • IconBulbCappedMushroom Bulb-Capped Mushroom: Glowing blue mushrooms that spawn around their giant variant.
  • IconBulbCappedMushroomTop Bulb-Capped Mushroom Cap: The cap block of Giant Bulb-Capped Mushrooms.
  • IconBulbCappedMushroomStalk Bulb-Capped Mushroom Stalk: The stalk block of Giant Bulb-Capped Mushrooms.
  • LIconButtonBush Button Bush: Small little bushes that spawn in Marshes.
  • LIconCardinalFlower Cardinal Flower: Large, bright red flowers that spawn in Patchy Islands.
  • LIconCattail Cattail: Small reeds that spawns in most surface locations of the Betweenlands.
  • LIconCaveGrass Cave Grass: Low-lying grass that is found in the deep Lake Caverns of the Betweenlands.
  • LIconCaveMoss Cave Moss: Hanging, vine-like moss that grows in the Caverns of the Betweenlands.
  • LIconCopperIris Copper Iris: A copper orange flower that spawns in Coarse Islands.
  • LIconCryptweed Cryptweed: A strange hanging plant that grows in the Sludgeon.
  • IconDeadGrass Dead Grass: A brownish grass block that is found commonly in Swamplands.
  • IconDeadWeedwoodBush Dead Weedwood Bush: A withered bush that spawns in Sludge Plains.
  • LIconDeepWaterCoral Deep Water Coral: A glowing blue coral found in Deep Waters.
  • LIconDoubleSwampTallgrass Double Swamp Tallgrass: A tall, curly grass found in Patchy Islands.
  • LIconEdgeLeaf Edge Leaf: Small leaves that are found on the edges of walls in the Sludgeon.
  • LIconEdgeMoss Edge Moss: A small mossy growth that is found on the edges of walls in the Sludgeon.
  • LIconEdgeShrooms Edge Shrooms: Brown fungus that is found on the edges of walls in the Sludgeon.
  • LIconFallenLeaves Fallen Leaves: Flat leaf blocks that spawn below Weedwood Trees in Swamplands.
  • IconFlatheadMushroom Flathead Mushroom: Small mushrooms with broad tan caps that spawn in Swamplands.
  • LIconGiantRoot Giant Root: The wood of the Giant Roots found in Coarse Islands.
  • LIconGoldenClub Golden Club: A long, yellow-flowered plant that spawns above water in Patchy Islands.
  • LIconHanger Hanger: Long vine-like plants that grow from Giant Weedwood Trees.
  • IconHearthgroveLeaves Hearthgrove Leaves: The leaf block of the Hearthgrove Tree.
  • LIconHearthgroveLog Hearthgrove Log: The log of the Hearthgrove Tree found in Patchy Islands.
  • IconHearthgroveSapling Hearthgrove Sapling: The sapling of the Hearthgrove Tree, which can be grown.
  • IconHollowLog Hollow Log: Fallen, rotten logs that spawn in Marshes and Sludge Plains.
  • LIconLichen Lichen: A white, bacterial organism that grows on Cragrock Spires and other locations.
  • LIconMarshHibiscus Marsh Hibiscus: A white and red flower that spawns in Marshes.
  • LIconMarshMallow Marsh Mallow: A bush with white flowers that spawns in Marshes.
  • LIconMarshMarigold Marsh Marigold: A bush with yellow flowers that spawns above water in Patchy Islands.
  • LIconMilkweed Milkweed: A magenta flower that spawns in Patchy Islands.
  • LIconMireCoral Mire Coral: A glowing orange coral found in large water bodies.
  • LIconMoss Moss: A cover plant that grows in many locations in the Betweenlands.
  • LIconNestingBlock Nesting Block: Scraggly, bushy blocks that make up the Nests of Chiromaw Matriarchs.
  • LIconNettle Nettle: A dark green bush that stings, spawns in most surface locations of the Betweenlands.
  • IconNibbletwigLeaves Nibbletwig Leaves: The leaf block of the Nibbletwig Tree.
  • LIconNibbletwigLog Nibbletwig Log: The log of the Nibbletwig Tree found in Swamplands.
  • IconNibbletwigSapling Nibbletwig Sapling: The sapling of the Nibbletwig Tree, which can be grown.
  • LIconPaleGrass Pale Grass: Low-lying, transparent grass that is found in the Sludgeon.
  • IconPeat Peat: A block of decomposed plant matter that spawns in Marshes.
  • LIconPhragmites Phragmites: Tall, reed-like plants that spawn in Marshes.
  • LIconPickerelWeed Pickerel Weed: A bluish-violet flower that spawns in Marshes.
  • LIconPitcherPlant Pitcher Plant: Tube-like carnivorous plants that spawn in Swamplands.
  • LIconPoisonIvy Poison Ivy: A poisonous, vine-like plant that grows from small Weedwood Trees.
  • LIconPortalFrame Portal Frame: The gray wood that spawns as part of the Portal Tree.
  • IconRoot Root: Twisty roots that break the surface in Coarse Islands and Sludge Plains.
  • IconRootPod Root Pod: Pods dropped by Root Sprites, which can be grown into Roots.
  • LIconRotbulb Rotbulb: A disgusting fungal growth that is found in the Sludgeon.
  • IconRottenWeedwoodBark Rotten Bark: Rotting bark that makes up large hollow logs and dead trees.
  • IconRubberTreeLeaves Rubber Tree Leaves: The leaf block of the Rubber Tree.
  • IconRubberTreeLog Rubber Tree Log: The log of the Rubber Tree, which can be tapped for Rubber.
  • IconRubberTreeSapling Rubber Tree Sapling: The sapling of the Rubber Tree, which can be grown.
  • IconSapTreeLeaves Sap Tree Leaves: The leaf block of the Sap Tree.
  • LIconSapTreeLog Sap Tree Log: The log of the Sap Tree which drops edible sap.
  • IconSapTreeSapling Sap Tree Sapling: The sapling of the Sap Tree, which can be grown.
  • IconShelfFungus Shelf Fungus: A fungus block that grows on the sides of Giant Weedwood Trees.
  • LIconShoots Shoots: Small bright green plants that spawn in Patchy Islands.
  • LIconSludgecreep Sludgecreep: A low-lying brown plant that spawns in Sludge Plains.
  • LIconSoftRush Soft Rush: A basic grass plant that spawns in Marshes.
  • LIconSpiritTreeLeaves Spirit Tree Leaves: The leaves of the Spirit Tree, which sometimes bear fruit.
  • IconSpiritTreeLog Spirit Tree Log: The log of the ominous Spirit Tree.
  • IconSpiritTreeSapling Spirit Tree Sapling: The sapling of the Spirit Tree, which can be grown into a friendly sentry tree.
  • LIconStringRoots String Roots: Stringy, hanging roots that grow in the Sludgeon.
  • LIconSundew Sundew: A red-dotted carnivorous plant that spawns in Marshes.
  • IconSwampGrass Swamp Grass: The primary grass block of the Betweenlands.
  • LIconSwampKelp Swamp Kelp: A plant that grows upwards in large water bodies.
  • LIconSwampPlant Swamp Plant: A basic leafy plant that spawns in Swamplands.
  • IconSwampReed Swamp Reed: A plant that grows upwards in many locations in the Betweenlands.
  • LIconSwampTallgrass Swamp Tallgrass: A low-lying grass that spawns in most surface locations of the Betweenlands.
  • LIconTallCattail Tall Cattail: A taller variant of the Cattail that spawns in Patchy Islands.
  • LIconTallSludgecreep Tall Sludgecreep: A slightly taller variant of Sludgecreep that spawns in the Sludgeon.
  • LIconThorns Thorns: A stingy plant that grows like vines in the Caverns of the Betweenlands.
  • LIconVenusFlyTrap Venus Fly Trap: A classic carnivorous plant that spawns in Swamplands.
  • LIconVolarpad Volarpad: A massive plant with a large pad that spawns in Swamplands and Coarse Islands.
  • LIconWaterWeeds Water Weeds: A low-lying water plant that spawns in Deep Waters.
  • IconWeedwood Weedwood: The inner part of Weedwood Trees that can be used in crafting.
  • IconWeedwoodBush Weedwood Bush: Leafy bushes found in Swamplands and Coarse Islands.
  • IconWeedwoodLeaves Weedwood Leaves: The leaf block of the Weedwood Tree.
  • LIconWeedwoodLog Weedwood Log: The outer blocks of the Weedwood Tree.
  • IconWeedwoodSapling Weedwood Sapling: The sapling of the Weedwood Tree, which can be grown.
  • IconWeepingBlue Weeping Blue: A tall blue flower with decay-restoring properties, spawns in Marshes.



  • IconBetweenlandsBedrock Betweenlands Bedrock: The Bedrock of the Betweenlands, found at the world's bottom.
  • IconBetweenstone Betweenstone: The primary stone of the Betweenlands, used in many recipes.
  • IconCoarseSwampDirt Coarse Swamp Dirt: A version of Swamp Dirt that grass cannot spread to.
  • IconCompactedMud Compacted Mud: A version of Mud that does not cause sinking.
  • LIconCragrock Cragrock: A bluish stone that is found in Coarse Islands and as part of spires in Deep Waters.
  • LIconDentrothysts Dentrothysts: An amber-like crystal found within Giant Weedwood Trees.
  • LIconLifeCrystalStalactite Life Crystal Stalactite: Pitstone spikes containing white ore found in the Lake Caverns.
  • IconLimestone Limestone: A white stone that spawns in large patches in the Betweenlands Caverns.
  • LIconMiddleGemOres Middle Gem Ores: A variety of colored gems found within Mud in the Betweenlands.
  • IconMud Mud: A thick, entity-sinking block found everywhere in the Betweenlands.
  • IconOctineOre Octine Ore: An uncommon, flaming orange ore found underground in the Betweenlands.
  • IconPitstone Pitstone: A dark stone that spawns deep in the Lake Caverns of the Betweenlands.
  • IconScabystOre Scabyst Ore: A somewhat rare pale blue ore found deep underground in the Betweenlands.
  • IconSilt Silt: A slowing, sand-like block found on beaches in Patchy Islands.
  • IconSlimyBoneOre Slimy Bone Ore: A relatively common fossil ore found underground in the Betweenlands.
  • IconSludgyDirt Sludgy Dirt: A slowing brown block found in patches in Sludge Plains.
  • IconSolidTar Solid Tar: A dense, solidified block of tar created when Swamp Water and Tar meet.
  • IconStalactiteBlock Stalactite: Twisty stone spikes that spawn in the Caverns of the Betweenlands.
  • IconSulfurOre Sulfur Ore: A common yellow ore found underground in the Betweenlands.
  • IconSyrmoriteOre Syrmorite Ore: An uncommon blue ore found underground in the Betweenlands.
  • IconSwampDirt Swamp Dirt: The primary dirt block of the Betweenlands.
  • IconValoniteOre Valonite Ore: A rare pinkish ore found deep underground in the Betweenlands.


  • IconPuddle Puddle: Thin blocks of Swamp Water left behind by Heavy Rain.
  • LIconRubber Rubber: Liquid rubber obtained by tapping a Rubber Tree.
  • LIconStagnantWater Stagnant Water: A light greenish-brown glowing water found in Caverns in the Betweenlands.
  • LIconSwampWater Swamp Water: The basic water block found everywhere in the Betweenlands.
  • LIconTar Tar: A thick, black liquid that spawns in specific pools in the Betweenlands.



  • IconAlembic Alembic: A block capable of distilling Infusion Buckets into completed Infusions and Aspect Vials.
  • IconAnimator Animator: A block capable of using the power of Life Crystals to 'animate' certain items.
  • LIconAspectVials Aspect Vials: Vials containing a specific aspect usable in infusing.
  • LIconBarrels Barrels: Blocks capable of storing and carrying any liquid.
  • LIconBuckets Buckets: Can be placed to tap the logs of Rubber Trees for liquid rubber.
  • LIconButtons Buttons: Functioning buttons for the Betweenlands.
  • IconCenser Censer: A block capable of producing ground-laying fog from various sources, with varying effects.
  • IconToughClimbingRope Climbing Rope: A block that can be climbed on and 'roped down'.
  • IconCompostBin Compost Bin: A block capable of turning plant matter into Compost to use in farming.
  • IconCrabPot Crab Pot: A block capable of catching Silt and Bubbler Crabs with a lure.
  • IconCrabPotFilter Crab Pot Filter:A block allowing caged Crabs to filter certain items.
  • IconDarkDruidAltar Dark Druid Altar: The altar in the middle of the Druid Circle that assembles the Swamp Talisman.
  • LIconDentrothystVials Dentrothyst Vials: Containers for Infusions.
  • LIconDoors Doors: Functioning doors for the Betweenlands.
  • IconDualSulfurFurnace Dual Sulfur Furnace: A variant of the Sulfur Furnace that can smelt twice as many items at once.
  • LIconDugPurifiedSwampDirt Dug Purified Swamp Dirt: Created by digging a hole in Purified Swamp Dirt with a shovel.
  • LIconDugPurifiedSwampGrass Dug Purified Swamp Grass: Created when grass spreads to Dug Purified Swamp Dirt.
  • LIconDugSwampDirt Dug Swamp Dirt: Created by digging a hole in Swamp Dirt with a shovel.
  • LIconDugSwampGrass Dug Swamp Grass: Created by digging a hole in Swamp Grass with a shovel.
  • LIconFenceGates Fence Gates: Functioning fence gates for the Betweenlands.
  • IconTrimmingTable Fish Trimming Table: A block capable of trimming certain caught mobs.
  • IconFishingTackleBox Fishing Tackle Box: A small portative chest the player can place and sit on.
  • IconGeckoCage Gecko Cage: A block capable of housing a gecko which can be tested on to discover Aspects.
  • IconGlowingGoop Glowing Goop: A light source that can be thrown.
  • IconInfuser Infuser: A block capable of mixing various ingredients together to make raw Infusion Buckets.
  • IconItemShelf Item Shelf: A storage block that can display and store multiple items.
  • LIconLanterns Lanterns: Light sources for the Betweenlands that, unlike torches, are not extinguished by rain.
  • IconMenhir Menhir: A naturally generating monolith that can be linked to act as a waypoint.
  • IconMortar Mortar: A block capable of grinding many materials into their ground forms.
  • IconMossBed Moss Bed: A bed that sets a player's spawn point in the Betweenlands.
  • LIconMudBrickFlowerPot Mud Brick Flower Pot: A Betweenlands variant of the Flower Pot that can also be used as a candle.
  • LIconPressurePlates Pressure Plates: Functioning pressure plates for the Betweenlands.
  • IconPurifier Purifier: A block capable of 'purifying' certain blocks into new forms.
  • IconRepeller Repeller: A block that can keep mobs away by putting up a repelling shield.
  • IconSiltGlassJar Silt Glass Jar: A block used to store Fish Bait.
  • LIconSimulacra Simulacra: Naturally generating statuettes that contain mysterious effects.
  • IconSmokingRack Smoking Rack: A block capable of smoking various types of food.
  • IconSmolderingPeat Smoldering Peat: Created by lighting Peat on fire.
  • IconSulfurFurnace Sulfur Furnace: The Betweenlands equivalent of the normal Furnace.
  • LIconSulfurTorch Sulfur Torch: Torches that function properly in the Betweenlands, but are extinguished by rain.
  • IconSyrmoriteHopper Syrmorite Hopper: The Betweenlands equivalent of the normal Hopper.
  • LIconTrapdoors Trapdoors: Functioning trapdoors for the Betweenlands.
  • IconWeedwoodChest Weedwood Chest: The Betweenlands equivalent of the normal Chest.
  • IconWeedwoodCraftingTable Weedwood Crafting Table: The Betweenlands equivalent of the normal Crafting Table.
  • IconWeedwoodJukebox Weedwood Jukebox: The Betweenlands equivalent of the normal Jukebox.
  • IconWeedwoodLadder Weedwood Ladder: A functioning ladder for the Betweenlands.
  • IconWeedwoodLever Weedwood Lever: A functioning lever for the Betweenlands.
  • IconWeedwoodSign Weedwood Sign: A writable Sign for the Betweenlands.
  • IconWindChime Wind Chime: A block capable of predicting most Events in the Betweenlands.


  • IconAngryBetweenstone Angry Betweenstone: Betweenstone etched with the symbol of the mod's creators.
  • IconBauble Bauble: Experience-filled ornaments that randomly appear and disappear on trees during Winter.
  • LIconBeamLens Beam Lens: Transmits beams from the origin and can be reoriented to direct the beam a certain way.
  • IconBeamOrigin Beam Origin: A block that generates a beam for the puzzle on top of the Sludgeon Tower.
  • IconBeamPassage Beam Passage: Allows beams from the origin to pass through from above, but cannot be reoriented.
  • IconBlackIce Black Ice: Frozen, slippery swamp water that spreads during Winter.
  • IconBrazier Brazier: Can be lit on fire to activate the Beam Origin at the top of the Sludgeon Tower.
  • IconBrokenMudTiles Broken Mud Tiles: A block that crumbles into Stagnant Water when walked on, found in the Sludgeon.
  • LIconCarvedRottenBark Carved Rotten Bark: Rotten Bark etched with decorative runes, found in the Sludgeon.
  • LIconDecayedMudTiles Decayed Mud Tiles: Blocks that are slippery to walk on, found in the Sludgeon.
  • IconDungeonAlcove Dungeon Alcove: Alcoves in the walls of the Sludgeon that can contain urns with loot.
  • LIconDungeonDoor Dungeon Door: Massive doors that can be opened using a rune combination.
  • IconDungeonDoorCode Dungeon Door Code: Contains the rune combination that must be used to open Dungeon Doors.
  • LIconEnergyBarrier Energy Barrier: Blocks that guard certain areas of the Wight Fortress and the Sludgeon.
  • IconGlowingBetweenstoneTile Glowing Betweenstone Tile: A decorative light source found in the Wight Fortress.
  • LIconGlowingSmoothCragrock Glowing Smooth Cragrock: A decorative light source found in Cragrock Towers.
  • IconItemCage Item Cage: An energy-imbued cage used in a special ritual, found in the Wight Fortress.
  • LIconMirages Mirages: Blocks that look ordinary but can be passed through, used to conceal specific secrets.
  • LIconMonsterSpawner Monster Spawner: The Betweenlands equivalent of the normal Monster Spawner.
  • IconOfferingTable Offering Table: Stands of offering containing loot, which have a special connection with Simulacra.
  • IconPossessedBlock Possessed Block: A block housing a terrifying jumpscare, found in the Wight Fortress.
  • LIconPotofChance Pot of Chance: Pots containing various loot, found in Caverns and structures in the Betweenlands.
  • IconPresent Present: Gift-filled presents that randomly appear and disappear during Winter.
  • IconPuffshroom Puffshroom: A block housing a fungal surprise, found in the Sludgeon.
  • LIconRottenSupportBeam Rotten Support Beam: Decorative support beams found in the Sludgeon.
  • LIconRuneStone Rune Stone: Overworld Stone etched with various symbols, found in the Druid Circle.
  • IconRungedMudBricks Runged Mud Bricks: Brown brick blocks that can be climbed on, found in the Sludgeon.
  • IconSludge Sludge: A slowing cover block left behind by Sludges as they hop about.
  • IconSnow Snow: A cover block that builds up during Winter snowfall.
  • LIconSpikeTraps Spike Traps: Blocks that house deadly spikes, found in the Wight Fortress and the Sludgeon.
  • LIconUrnofChance Urn of Chance: Urns containing various loot, found in the Sludgeon and other mud-based structures.
  • IconWallCandle Wall Candle: Light sources that can be lit or unlit, found in the Sludgeon.
  • LIconWeakBlocks Weak Blocks: Blocks that break when walked upon, found mainly in the Wight Fortress.
  • IconWillotheWisp Wisp: Colored flames found eerily in the Betweenlands.



The Betweenlands Blocks
Plants, Fungi, and Corals AlgaeArrow ArumBlack Hat MushroomBladderwortBlue Eyed GrassBlue IrisBog BeanBonesetBottlebrush GrassBroomsedgeBulb-Capped Mushroom (CapStalk) • Button BushCardinal FlowerCattail (Tall) • Cave GrassCopper IrisCryptweedDead GrassDead Weedwood BushDeep Water Coral • Edge Plants (LeafMossShrooms) • Flathead MushroomGolden ClubHanger • Leaves (FallenHearthgroveNibbletwigRubber TreeSap TreeSpirit TreeWeedwood) • Lichen • Logs (HearthgroveHollowNibbletwigRubber TreeSap TreeSpirit TreeWeedwood) • Marsh HibiscusMarsh MallowMarsh MarigoldMilkweedMire CoralMoss (Cave) • Nesting BlockNettlePale GrassPeat (Smoldering) • PhragmitesPickerel WeedPitcher PlantPoison IvyPortal FrameRoot (Giant) • Root PodRotbulbRotten Bark (Spreading) • Saplings (HearthgroveNibbletwigRubber TreeSap TreeSpirit TreeWeedwood) • Shelf FungusShootsSludgecreep (Tall) • Soft RushString RootsSundewSwamp GrassSwamp KelpSwamp PlantSwamp ReedSwamp Tallgrass (Double) • ThornsVenus Fly TrapVolarpadWater WeedsWeedwoodWeedwood BushWeeping Blue
Crops Aspectrus PlantBarnacle ClusterInfested Weedwood BushWhite Pear PlantYellow Dotted Fungus
Minerals Betweenlands BedrockBetweenstone (Pebble) • Cragrock (Mossy BottomMossy Top) • Dentrothysts (GreenOrange) • Life Crystal StalactiteLimestone • Middle Gem Ores (AquaCrimsonGreen) • Mud (Compacted) • Octine OrePitstoneScabyst OreSiltSlimy Bone OreSludgy Dirt (Spreading) • Solid TarStalactiteSulfur OreSyrmorite OreSwamp Dirt (Coarse) • Valonite Ore
Liquids PuddleRubberStagnant WaterSwamp WaterTar
Manufactured Amate Paper Panes (ConnectedRoundedSquared) • Ancient Remnant BlockBetweenstone Bricks (CrackedMossy) • Betweenstone PillarBetweenstone Tiles (CrackedMossy) • Block of CompostBlock of OctineBlock of PearlsBlock of ScabystBlock of SulfurBlock of SyrmoriteBlock of ValoniteCarved Mud Bricks (EdgeSludgySludgy Edge) • Chiseled BetweenstoneChiseled Cragrock (CrackedMossy) • Chiseled LimestoneChiseled PitstoneChiseled ScabystCragrock Bricks (CrackedMossy) • Cragrock PillarCragrock Tiles (CrackedMossy) • Damp TorchDeep Water Coral BlockFencesFiltered SiltLattice (Fine) • Limestone Bricks (CrackedMossy) • Limestone PillarLimestone Tiles • Middle Gem Blocks (AquaCrimsonGreen) • Mire Coral BlockMud Bricks (Sludgy) • Mud Brick Shingles (Dyed) • Mud Tiles (Cracked) • Pitstone BricksPitstone PillarPitstone Tiles • Planks (Giant Root (Treated) • Hearthgrove (Treated) • Nibbletwig (Treated) • Rotten (Treated) • Rubber Tree (Treated) • Weedwood (Treated)) • Polished Dentrothysts (GreenGreen PaneOrangeOrange Pane) • Polished LimestonePurified Swamp DirtReed Mat (Dyed) • Rubber BlockSamite (Canvas Panel) • Scabyst BricksScabyst Lined PitstoneSilt Glass (Filtered (DyedPane) • Pane) • SlabsSlimy Bone BlockSlopesSmooth Betweenstone (Mossy) • Smooth CragrockSmooth PitstoneStairsThatchWallsWeedwood Chip PathWeedwood WalkwayWorm Pillar (CapSludgy (Cap))
Utility AlembicAnimatorAspect Vials • Barrels (SyrmoriteWeedwood) • ButtonsCenserClimbing RopeCompost BinCrab Pot (Filter) • Dark Druid AltarDentrothyst VialsDoorsDug Swamp Dirt (Purified) • Dug Swamp Grass (Purified) • Fence GatesFish Trimming TableFishing Tackle BoxGecko CageGlowing GoopGrub HubInfuserItem ShelfLanterns (Amate Paper (BlankCheckeredFramed) • Silt Glass) • MenhirMortarMoss BedMoth HouseMud Brick Flower Pot (with Candle) • Pressure PlatesPurifierRepeller • Rubber Taps (SyrmoriteWeedwood) • Silt Glass Jar (Filtered) • Simulacra (DeepmanLake CavernRootman) • Smoking RackSteeping PotSulfur Furnace (Dual) • Sulfur Torch (Extinguished) • Syrmorite HopperTrapdoorsWater FilterWeedwood ChestWeedwood Crafting TableWeedwood JukeboxWeedwood LadderWeedwood LeverWeedwood SignWind Chime
Generated Angry BetweenstoneBaubleBeam Lens (Support) • Beam OriginBeam PassageBlack IceBrazierBroken Mud TilesCarved Rotten BarkDecayed Mud Tiles (Cracked) • Dungeon AlcoveDungeon Door (CryptMimic) • Dungeon Door CodeEnergy BarrierGlowing Betweenstone TileGlowing Smooth CragrockItem CageMirages (Betweenstone BricksCompacted Mud) • Monster Spawner (Tar Beast) • Offering TablePossessed BlockPot of Chance (Mud] • Tar) • PresentPuffshroomRotten Support BeamRune StoneRunged Mud BricksSludgeSnowSpike Traps (Mud BrickMud TilesPolished Limestone) • Urn of ChanceWall CandleWeak Blocks (Betweenstone TilesMossy Betweenstone TilesPolished Limestone) • Wisp
Unimplemented Circle Bricks (BronzeGoldSilver) • Corrupt BetweenstoneDungeon TileDungeon WallSlimy DirtSlimy GrassTemple Bricks (BloodyChiseledCrackedMossySmooth) • Temple PillarTotem Block