The Betweenlands Wiki
The Betweenlands Wiki
2016-03-24 20.57

Raw Snail Flesh with a high Food Sickness value

Food Sickness is a player survival/consumption mechanic.

While in the Betweenlands, players should not eat the same exact food item too much. Betweenlands food items have a tooltip that changes depending on how intense the food sickness of the item is; for example, a food type that has not been eaten at all, or not too many times, will have the tooltip "Tastes good". If they start to eat too much (usually requires having eaten around 22 pieces (110 sickness) of the same type of food in a row), the tooltip will progress to "Tastes plain".

If they still continue to eat after 36 pieces in a row (reaching 180 sickness) the tooltip will further progress to "Can't eat this anymore" and a message will show saying they should not eat any more of that type of food. They can continue to eat it if they wish, but the benefits will be greatly diminished, only restoring of the hunger (Halfhunger)/decay (Halfdecay) it normally would, rounded down. If the food would only restore 1 or 2 points normally, it has a 75% chance of not restoring any points, and a 25% chance of only restoring 1.

Normal 12-14 9-11 6-8 3-5 1-2 0
Nerfed 4 3 2 1 0 (75%)
1 (25%)

Eating a different type of food will help to bring the sickness level down on the other food; this requires the player to look for multiple sources of food in order to restore their hunger. An additional message will also display to note that the player is eating a different food and is avoiding the food sickness.

Eating Chiromaw Wings or drinking Witch Tea will reset Food Sickness all other food items. Once one is eaten, another Chiromaw Wing cannot reduce Food Sickness on items until a different food item has reached "Can't eat this anymore" status.

Outside of The Betweenlands, the Food Sickness effect is disabled, so food taken outside of it will always restore its normal hunger (and decay) values. Chiromaw Wings will not have any positive effects outside of the dimension.

Each individual item ID counts as a separate food item in Food Sickness. This means that raw and cooked forms of foods count as different items, and the same goes for different type of donuts, jello, and so forth.


  • There are more than 40 different possible messages that can be used for all of the messages in Food Sickness.
The Betweenlands Environment
Dimensions The BetweenlandsThe NetherThe Overworld
Biomes Coarse Islands (Raised Isles) • Deep WatersMarsh (Marsh 0Marsh 1) • Patchy IslandsSludge Plains (Clearing) • Swamplands (Clearing)
Natural Cavern (Lake) • Chiromaw Matriarch NestCragrock SpireGiant Bulb-Capped MushroomGiant Hollow LogGiant RootHearthgrove TreeNibbletwig TreeRaised IslandRubber TreeSap TreeSilt BeachSpirit TreeUnderground OasisWeedwood Tree (GiantRotten)
Buildings Cragrock TowerDruid CircleIdol Head StatueRuins (MarshSludge PlainsUndergroundUnderwater) • ShrineSludgeon (Barrishee LairCryptCrypt TunnelsLabyrinthine VaultsPit of DecaySludgeon TowerWinding Walkways) • Tar Pool DungeonWight Fortress
Post-Gen Portal TreeTunnel Entrances
Events AurorasBlood SkyDense FogHeavy Rain (Thunderstorm) • RiftSpookWinter (Snowfall)
Mechanics AspectsCorrosionDecayFood SicknessMiddle Gem CircleRadial Equipment MenuStench
Other AdvancementsEffectsLoot TablesMusic