Infusions are the Betweenlands equivalent of Potions. They can come in a variety of different potencies, durations, and effects depending on how they are made.
Aspect Combinations & Distilling[]
Infusions are created by placing Infusion Buckets with valid Aspect combinations into the Alembic. For more information on the entire brewing process, see Herblore. For the Aspect combinations required to make each Infusion, see the List of Infusions.
Infusions can have varying effects, from ones similar to vanilla potions, to entirely new and unique ones. Infusion recipes do not depend on the types of ingredients, but rather the types of Aspects randomly generated within them.
The potency and duration of the Infusion are determined by the amount of two specific aspects respectively within the Infusion Bucket used to make them. Essentially, this means that the greater amount of whichever aspect affects potency, the stronger the infusion's effect is (if applicable), and the greater amount of whichever aspect affects duration, the longer the infusion lasts. Which aspects act as potency and duration modifiers depends on the infusion recipe, and are mentioned in the Herblore Book.
Infusions have a minimum potency and duration level of 1 (I) and a maximum level of 5 (V), and their minimum and maximum values depend on the type of infusion. Every 6.0 amount of the potency or duration aspect used (non-inclusive) equates to 1 level, meaning that using between 0.01 and 5.99 of the aspect will result in level 1, between 6.0 and 11.99 will result in level 2, and so on. However, the actual duration value is based on the exact duration aspect amount and can vary within the same level. Also, since only a maximum of 6 ingredients can be infused at a time, both potency and duration cannot be maximized on the same infusion.
The total amount of all aspects in the initial Infusion Bucket determines the number of resulting Infusions that can be obtained from it. Every 4.5 total aspect amount used (inclusive) equates to 1 infusion, meaning that having a total amount between 0.01 and 4.5 will produce 1 infusion, between 4.51 and 9.0 will produce 2 infusions, and so on.
The Infusion's effects, potency level, and duration can all be viewed in its tooltip on the item.
Consuming Infusions[]
When infusions from Green Dentrothyst Vials are consumed normally (not thrown), they leave behind Dirty Dentrothyst Vials. These vials must be cleaned in the Purifier before they can be reused, like so:
Result | Ingredients | Recipe |
Green Dentrothyst Vial | Dirty Dentrothyst Vial + Sulfur + Swamp Water (1 bucket) |
Infusions from Orange Dentrothyst Vials simply leave behind empty vials when consumed normally; these can be immediately reused without having to be cleaned.
Throwing Infusions[]
Any Infusion can be thrown like a vanilla Splash Potion by simply pressing shift and holding right-click to aim. The longer you hold the Infusion to throw, the farther it will travel. It will apply the effect to all entities in a splash radius around where it lands. This allows you to apply positive Infusion effects to multiple allies, or use negative Infusions on enemies.
Every time a thrown Infusion shatters, it will leave behind 2-3 Dentrothyst Shards of its corresponding vial type, and also has a 50% chance to leave behind a Rubber Ball.
List of Infusions[]
The following is a list of Infusions categorized by tier, the combination of Aspects needed to make them, and their effect. The combinations are based off of the randomly generated Aspects found in the ingredients used, not the ingredients themselves. Tiers determine how many aspects are used in the creation, as well as the tier of their types.
Aspects colored in red text act as "strength" modifiers, meaning the more of that aspect is in the combination, the more potent its effect is. Aspects colored in blue text act as "duration" modifiers, meaning the more of that aspect is in the combination, the longer lasting its effect is.
Tier 1 Infusions are called Elixirs:
Elixirs | ||||
Elixir | Aspect Combination | Exact Effect | Duration Range | Herblore Book Description |
![]() ![]() Elixir of Strength |
Azuwynn (Muscle) + Ordaniis (Enhance) | Increases damage output by 3.5 per potency level. | 2:00 - 9:30 | The Elixir of Strength increases raw physical strength, causing one to deal more damage when they attack. A combination of Azuwynn and Ordaniis aspects is required to make this elixir. The more Azuwynn is used, the stronger are the elixir’s effects. The more Ordaniis is used, the longer the elixir lasts. Adding Byariis will corrupt the nature of the elixir, turning it into the Elixir of Weakness, which reduces one's damage output. |
![]() ![]() Nimblefeet Elixir |
Azuwynn (Muscle) + Ordaniis (Enhance) + Yunugaz (Wind) | Increases movement speed by 20% per potency level. | 2:00 - 9:30 | The Nimblefeet Elixir enhances muscle swiftness and nimbleness, increasing one's movement speed. A combination of Azuwynn, Ordaniis, and Yunugaz aspects is required to make this elixir. The more Yunugaz is used, the stronger are the elixir’s effects. The more Ordaniis is used, the longer the elixir lasts. Adding Byariis will corrupt the nature of the elixir, turning it into the Lumbering Elixir, which slows one's movement. |
![]() ![]() Elixir of Healing |
Yeowynn (Health) + Ordaniis (Enhance) | Regenerates the health bar over time. | 1:00 - 5:10 | The Elixir of Healing accelerates natural regeneration, healing one's wounds over time. A combination of Yeowynn and Ordaniis aspects is required to make this elixir. The more Yeowynn is used, the stronger are the elixir’s effects. The more Ordaniis is used, the longer the elixir lasts. Adding Byariis will corrupt the nature of the elixir, turning it into the Elixir of Draining, which drains one's health over time. |
![]() ![]() Elixir of Ripening |
Yeowynn (Health) + Ordaniis (Enhance) + Dayuniis (Mind) | Regenerates the decay bar over time. | 2:00 - 12:50 | The Elixir of Ripening reverses the effects of the decaying aura of the Betweenlands, restoring one's physical and psychological health over time. A combination of Yeowynn, Ordaniis, and Dayuniis aspects is required to make this elixir. The more Dayuniis is used, the stronger are the elixir’s effects. The more Ordaniis is used, the longer the elixir lasts. Adding Byariis will corrupt the nature of the elixir, turning it into the Elixir of Decay, which accelerates one's vulnerability to the decaying aura’s effects. |
![]() ![]() Toughskin Elixir |
Azuwynn (Muscle) + Yeowynn (Health) + Celawynn (Stomach) | Provides immunity to the damage that harmful plants (Nettles, Poison Ivy, and Thorns) cause. | 2:00 - 12:50 | The Toughskin Elixir increases skin toughness, protecting one from harmful plants found throughout the Betweenlands. A combination of Azuwynn, Yeowynn, and Celawynn aspects is required to make this elixir. The more Yeowynn is used, the stronger are the elixir’s effects. The more Celawynn is used, the longer the elixir lasts. Adding Byariis will corrupt the nature of the elixir, turning it into the Poisonsting Elixir, which poisons one instantly. |
![]() ![]() Elixir of Feasting |
Yeowynn (Health) + Ordaniis (Enhance) + Celawynn (Stomach) | Regenerates the hunger bar over time. | 2:00 - 11:10 | The Elixir of Feasting gives the stomach something tough to feed on, satisfying one's hunger over time. A combination of Yeowynn, Ordaniis, and Celawynn aspects is required to make this elixir. The more Celawynn is used, the stronger are the elixir’s effects. The more Ordaniis is used, the longer the elixir lasts. Adding Byariis will corrupt the nature of the elixir, turning it into the Elixir of Starvation, which causes one to go hungry more quickly. |
![]() ![]() Elixir of Weakness |
Azuwynn (Muscle) + Ordaniis (Enhance) + Byariis (Corruption) | Reduces damage output by 2 per potency level. | 0:12 - 1:02 | The Elixir of Weakness weakens the muscles, reducing one's damage output when they attack. A combination of Azuwynn, Ordaniis, and Byariis aspects is required to make this elixir. The more Azuwynn is used, the stronger are the elixir’s effects. The more Ordaniis is used, the longer the elixir lasts. Leaving out Byariis will reveal the true nature of the elixir, turning it into the Elixir of Strength, which increases one's damage output. |
![]() ![]() Lumbering Elixir |
Azuwynn (Muscle) + Ordaniis (Enhance) + Yunugaz (Wind) + Byariis (Corruption) | Decreases movement speed by 20% per potency level. | 0:15 - 1:38 | The Lumbering Elixir makes the muscles lethargic, reducing one's movement speed. A combination of Azuwynn, Ordaniis, Yunugaz, and Byariis aspects is required to make this elixir. The more Yunugaz is used, the stronger are the elixir’s effects. The more Ordaniis is used, the longer the elixir lasts. Leaving out Byariis will reveal the true nature of the elixir, turning it into the Nimblefeet Elixir, which speeds one's movement. |
![]() ![]() Elixir of Draining |
Yeowynn (Health) + Ordaniis (Enhance) + Byariis (Corruption) | Drains the health bar over time. | 0:08 - 0:18 | The Elixir of Draining eats away at the body, draining one's health over time. A combination of Yeowynn, Ordaniis, and Byariis aspects is required to make this elixir. The more Yeowynn is used, the stronger are the elixir’s effects. The more Ordaniis is used, the longer the elixir lasts. Leaving out Byariis will reveal the true nature of the elixir, turning it into the Elixir of Healing, which restores one's health over time. |
![]() ![]() Elixir of Decay |
Yeowynn (Health) + Ordaniis (Enhance) + Dayuniis (Mind) + Byariis (Corruption) | Drains the decay bar faster than usual. | 0:20 - 1:10 | The Elixir of Decay increases vulnerability to the decaying aura of the Betweenlands, causing one to experience a quicker decline in physical and psychological health. A combination of Yeowynn, Ordaniis, Dayuniis, and Byariis aspects is required to make this elixir. The more Dayuniis is used, the stronger are the elixir’s effects. The more Ordaniis is used, the longer the elixir lasts. Leaving out Byariis will reveal the true nature of the elixir, turning it into the Elixir of Ripening, which reverses one's responses to the decaying aura. |
![]() ![]() Poisonsting Elixir |
Azuwynn (Muscle) + Yeowynn (Health) + Celawynn (Stomach) + Byariis (Corruption) | Inflicts the vanilla Poison effect, draining health over time. | 0:08 - 0:18 | The Poisonsting Elixir contains the wrath of the sinister plants found in the Betweenlands, poisoning one instantly. A combination of Azuwynn, Yeowynn, Celawynn, and Byariis aspects is required to make this elixir. The more Yeowynn is used, the stronger are the elixir’s effects. The more Celawynn is used, the longer the elixir lasts. Leaving out Byariis will reveal the true nature of the elixir, turning it into the Toughskin Elixir, which protects one from harmful plants. |
![]() ![]() Elixir of Starvation |
Yeowynn (Health) + Ordaniis (Enhance) + Celawynn (Stomach) + Byariis (Corruption) | Drains the hunger bar faster than usual. | 0:20 - 1:10 | The Elixir of Starvation makes the stomach digest food faster and less efficiently, causing one to go hungry more quickly. A combination of Yeowynn, Ordaniis, Celawynn, and Byariis aspects is required to make this elixir. The more Celawynn is used, the stronger are the elixir’s effects. The more Ordaniis is used, the longer the elixir lasts. Leaving out Byariis will reveal the true nature of the elixir, turning it into the Elixir of Feasting, which fills one's stomach. |
Tier 2 Infusions are called Brews:
Tier 3 Infusions are called Draughts:
Draughts | ||||
Draught | Aspect Combination | Effect | Duration Range | Herblore Book Description |
![]() ![]() Draught of Sagittarius |
Freiwynn (Vision) + Dayuniis (Mind) + Byariis (Corruption) + Ordaniis (Enhance) + Armaniis (Desire) | Reveals a curved line to the player when they hold a Bow, allowing them to track a fired arrow's flight path. | 2:30 - 10:50 | The Draught of Sagittarius contains the power of Sagittarius, allowing one to see exactly what path their arrow will take when fired from a bow. A combination of Freiwynn, Dayuniis, Byariis, Ordaniis, and Armaniis aspects is required to make this draught. The more Freiwynn is used, the stronger are the draught's effects. The more Dayuniis is used, the longer the draught lasts. Leaving out Byariis will reveal the true nature of the draught, turning it into the Weakbow Draught, which reduces one's bow shooting range. |
![]() ![]() Spiderbreed Draught |
Azuwynn (Muscle) + Fergalaz (Earth) + Dayuniis (Mind) + Yihinren (Form) + Yunugaz (Wind) | Provides the ability to climb up and slide down all blocks, almost as if they had ladders on them, albeit more slowly. | 1:00 - 9:20 | The Spiderbreed Draught changes the workings of the skin and muscle, allowing one to climb up and down any obstacle as if they were an insect. A combination of Azuwynn, Fergalaz, Dayuniis, Yihinren, and Yunugaz aspects is required to make this draught. The more Azuwynn is used, the stronger are the draught’s effects. The more Yihinren is used, the longer the draught lasts. Adding Byariis will corrupt the nature of the draught, turning it into the Basilisk Draught, which causes one to experience paralysis. |
![]() ![]() Lightweight Draught |
Azuwynn (Muscle) + Byrginaz (Water) + Yunugaz (Wind) + Yihinren (Form) + Geoliirgaz (Void) | Provides the ability to slowly walk on water. | 1:00 - 7:40 | The Lightweight Draught causes a strange sensation of weightlessness, allowing one to walk slowly over water as if it were solid ground. A combination of Azuwynn, Byrginaz, Yunugaz, Yihinren, and Geoliirgaz aspects is required to make this draught. The more Yunugaz is used, the stronger are the draught’s effects. The more Yihinren is used, the longer the draught lasts. Adding Byariis will corrupt the nature of the draught, turning it into the Heavyweight Draught, which hinders one's swimming ability and causes them to sink in Mud no matter what they are wearing to counteract it. |
![]() ![]() Draught of the Unclouded |
Dayuniis (Mind) + Freiwynn (Vision) + Geoliirgaz (Void) + Ordaniis (Enhance) + Yunugaz (Wind) | Removes the fog of the Betweenlands from the player's vision. | 1:00 - 8:30 | The Draught of the Unclouded clears a foggy mind, allowing one to see through dense fog as if it evaporated in front of their eyes. A combination of Dayuniis, Freiwynn, Geoliirgaz, Ordaniis, and Yunugaz aspects is required to make this draught. The more Geoliirgaz is used, the stronger are the draught's effects. The more Dayuniis is used, the longer the draught lasts. Adding Byariis will corrupt the nature of the draught, turning it into the Draught of the Fogged Mind, which causes one to hallucinate a very dense fog around them. |
![]() ![]() Weakbow Draught |
Freiwynn (Vision) + Dayuniis (Mind) + Ordaniis (Enhance) + Armaniis (Desire) | Severely reduces the distance that a player can launch an arrow from a bow. | 0:20 - 1:10 | The Weakbow Draught reduces archery skill, greatly limiting one's bow shooting range. A combination of Freiwynn, Dayuniis, Ordaniis, and Armaniis aspects is required to make this draught. The more Freiwynn is used, the stronger are the draught's effects. The more Dayuniis is used, the longer the draught lasts. Adding Byariis will corrupt the nature of the draught, turning it into the Draught of Sagittarius, which allows one to see the path of an arrow fired from a bow. |
![]() ![]() Basilisk Draught |
Azuwynn (Muscle) + Fergalaz (Earth) + Dayuniis (Mind) + Yihinren (Form) + Yunugaz (Wind) + Byariis (Corruption) | Completely freezes the affected in place. | 0:02 - 0:10 | The Basilisk Draught petrifies the motor cortex of the brain, causing one to be frozen in place. A combination of Azuwynn, Fergalaz, Dayuniis, Yihinren, Yunugaz, and Byariis aspects is required to make this draught. The more Azuwynn is used, the stronger are the draught’s effects. The more Yihinren is used, the longer the draught lasts. Leaving out Byariis will reveal the true nature of the draught, turning it into the Spiderbreed Draught, which allows one to climb on obstacles. |
![]() ![]() Heavyweight Draught |
Azuwynn (Muscle) + Byrginaz (Water) + Yunugaz (Wind) + Yihinren (Form) + Geoliirgaz (Void) + Byariis (Corruption) | Hinders the ability to swim, as well as causing the affected to sink in Mud even if special armor (such as Rubber Boots, Boots of the Marsh Runner, or upgraded Amphibious Armor) is equipped. | 0:10 - 1:00 | The Heavyweight Draught gives a strange sense of heaviness, causing one to find swimming more difficult and causing them to sink in Mud despite whatever they may be wearing to protect them from it. A combination of Azuwynn, Byrginaz, Yunugaz, Yihinren, Geoliirgaz, and Byariis aspects is required to make this draught. The more Yunugaz is used, the stronger are the draught’s effects. The more Yihinren is used, the longer the draught lasts. Leaving out Byariis will reveal the true nature of the draught, turning it into the Lightweight Draught, which allows one to walk over water. |
![]() ![]() Draught of the Fogged Mind |
Dayuniis (Mind) + Freiwynn (Vision) + Geoliirgaz (Void) + Ordaniis (Enhance) + Yunugaz (Wind) + Byariis (Corruption) | Causes a very dense fog to close in around the player. | 0:06 - 0:16 | The Draught of the Fogged Mind clouds the mind with worrisome thoughts, causing one to see the illusion of a thick fog surrounding them. A combination of Dayuniis, Freiwynn, Geoliirgaz, Ordaniis, Yunugaz, and Byariis aspects is required to make this draught. The more Geoliirgaz is used, the stronger are the draught's effects. The more Dayuniis is used, the longer the draught lasts. Leaving out Byariis will reveal the true nature of the draught, turning it into the Draught of the Unclouded, which causes any fog to be cleared from one's vision. |
- Release 3.4.0: Thrown Infusions now have a chance to leave behind Dentrothyst Shards and Rubber Balls.
- Release 3.3.1:
- Added tooltips and glint effect.
- Adjusted Elixir of Strength/Weakness potency scale.
- Heavyweight Draught no longer completely disables swimming ability unless at maximum potency.
- Decreased number of Aspect Vials required to make Infusions.
- Alpha 3.0.0: Reintroduced.
- Beta 2.0.0: Temporarily removed.
- Beta 1.0.0: Introduced.