Item Shelves are craftable utility blocks that are capable of storing and displaying items.
Crafting Recipe[]
Result | Ingredients | Recipe |
Item Shelf (3) | Weedwood Plank Slab (6) |
Displaying Items[]
An Item Shelf can be right-clicked with any item to put that item onto the shelf. The part of the shelf the item will be placed on depends on where you click; for example, right-clicking on the bottom left corner of the shelf will put the item in the bottom left corner. If the item is stacked, the entire stack will be put onto the shelf. Each shelf is capable of storing and displaying up to four different items.
Individual items from a stack can be taken off of the shelf by left-clicking their corner of the shelf. Shift left-clicking instead will take off the entire stack.
Item Shelves can be used as fuel for the Sulfur Furnace or Dual Sulfur Furnace, smelting 1.5 items per shelf block.
- Alpha 3.0.0: Recipe output now gives 3 again.
- Beta 2.0.0: Recipe output now only gives 1, down from 3.
- Beta 1.0.0: Introduced.