The Betweenlands Wiki
The Betweenlands Wiki

The following is a list of all Mobs and other entities that are added by the Betweenlands mod.

For their IDs, see Entity IDs.

Passive Mobs

  • LIconAnadia Anadia: A fish species coming in various shapes and sizes, fished for its food and treasures.
  • LIconCaveFish Cave Fish: A small fish that swims in groups in the dark waters of the Lake Caverns.
  • LIconDragonfly Dragonfly: A graceful insect that flies across the dark skies of the Betweenlands.
  • LIconFirefly Firefly: A glowing insect that flies around and gives off light.
  • LIconFrog Frog: A small amphibian that just likes to hop around and mind its own business.
  • LIconGecko Gecko: A small lizard that hides in bushes, and can be caged and tested on to discover item aspects.
  • LIconGreebling Greebling: An elusive gremlin that just loves to sit down and play some music.
  • LIconGreeblingCoracle Greebling Coracle: A peaceful gremlin that hums while paddling across the waters.
  • LIconMireSnail Mire Snail: A peaceful snail that can be farmed, unlike its ornery cousins.
  • LIconOlm Olm: A small passive creature inhabiting the dark waters of the Lake Caverns.
  • LIconRootSprite Root Sprite: A miniature living root that makes its home around larger roots.
  • LIconSporeling Sporeling: A skittish mushroom creature that prefers living near shelf fungus.

Neutral Mobs

  • LIconFreshwaterUrchin Freshwater Urchin: A small avoidant urchin that shoots spikes when in danger.
  • LIconGreeblingRider Greebling Rider: A mischievous gremlin riding a Chiromaw high in the sky.
  • LIconJellyfish Jellyfish: A multicolored, glowing invertebrate found in surface waters that will sting to defend itself.
  • LIconLurker Lurker: A large, strong reptilian creature that attacks when provoked.
  • LIconPyrad Pyrad: A corrupted nature spirit that shoots flames at anyone who provokes it or its tree.

Aggressive Mobs

  • LIconAngler Angler: A vicious flesh-eating fish that swims around in the waters of the Betweenlands.
  • LIconAshSprite Ash Sprite: Sentient, floating remains that occasionally come out of broken alcove urns.
  • LIconBloodSnail Blood Snail: An aggressive snail that can squirt blood-red poison at its enemies.
  • LIconBoulderSprite Boulder Sprite: A living boulder that hides underground and rolls into unsuspecting players.
  • LIconBubblerCrab Bubbler Crab: A sneaky crustacean that produces popping bubbles before scuttling out of reach.
  • LIconCaveJellyfish Cave Jellyfish: A type of jellyfish found in the Lake Cavern waters that attacks with electric shocks.
  • LIconChiromaw Chiromaw: A hungry bat-like creature that can be found hanging off the roofs of caverns.
  • LIconCryptCrawler Crypt Crawler: A large, intelligent mole rat that resides in the crypts of the Sludgeon.
  • LIconDarkDruid Dark Druid: An insane Druid who chants around a druid altar in the Overworld swamps.
  • LIconEmberlingShaman Emberling Shaman: An Emberling that guards the Sludgeon Tower and wields fiery magic.
  • LIconInfestation Infestation: A swarm of tiny, bity bugs that will crawl all over your screen.
  • LIconLamprey Lamprey: A worm-like creature that emerges from the Sludgeon walls to suck in and decay the player.
  • LIconLargeSludgeWorm Large Sludge Worm: A giant, disgusting skeletal worm that emerges from the Pit of the Sludgeon.
  • LIconLeech Leech: A lowly worm that sucks the blood of other living things.
  • LIconLivingRoot Living Root: A sentient root that emerges from the Sludgeon walls to strike the player.
  • LIconPeatMummy Peat Mummy: An undead skeleton that rises up from the peat and mud to attack the player.
  • LIconRocksnot Rock Snot: An underwater, gaping-mouthed mollusk that snatches prey with its hook.
  • LIconShallowbreath Shallowbreath: A cloud of sentient fumes that chokes the life out of nearby players.
  • LIconShambler Shambler: A shambling monstrosity that can use its long tongue to snatch the player.
  • LIconSiltCrab Silt Crab: An annoying crustacean that bites the toes of passersby before scuttling out of reach.
  • LIconSludge Sludge: A blob of living goop that lies in wait for prey in the sludge plains.
  • LIconSmallSludgeWorm Small Sludge Worm: A medium-sized worm that emerges from holes it digs through the Sludgeon.
  • LIconSmolSludge Smol Sludge: A miniature blob of goop that hops about in the sludge plains.
  • LIconStalker Stalker: An elusive creature that stalks the caverns, waiting for just the right moment to strike.
  • LIconSwampHag Swamp Hag: A common undead creature that wanders throughout the Betweenlands.
  • LIconTarBeast Tar Beast: A hulking monster made out of tar that resides in tar pits.
  • LIconTermite Termite: A pesky insect that occasionally come out of broken rotten logs, pots and urns.
  • LIconTinySludgeWorm Tiny Sludge Worm: A tiny, young worm that emerges from egg sacs in the Sludgeon.
  • LIconWight Wight: A twisted, spirit-like entity that looks sad on the outside, but lashes out if taken too lightly.

Tamable and Utility Mobs

  • LIconEmberling Emberling: A fiery salamander-like creature that can be tamed.
  • LIconHarlequinToad Harlequin Toad: A big, slimy amphibian that can be tamed and ridden.
  • LIconTarMinion Tarminion: A craftable little tar-based creature that will attack hostile mobs.

Chief Mobs

  • LIconBarrishee Barrishee: A terrifying mechanical abomination that disguises as a door in the Sludgeon.
  • LIconChiromawMatriarch Chiromaw Matriarch: A great winged beast that protects its Nest atop the Raised Isles.


  • LIconDreadfulPeatMummy Dreadful Peat Mummy: An incarnation of pure terror that can be summoned out of the ground.
  • LIconPrimordialMalevolence Primordial Malevolence: A sphere of malignant energy found atop the Wight Fortress.
  • LIconSludgeMenace Sludge Menace: A massive tentacle of decay that bursts from the pit of the Sludgeon.
  • IconSpiritTreeSapling Spirit Tree: A sentient, elderly tree whose power is determined by the wisps surrounding it.

Other Entities

Unimplemented Mobs

  • Temple Guardian: One of three variants of the stone guardians of ancient temples.

Upcoming Mobs

  • Mud Golem: A figure assembled with mud to serve the player.

Upcoming Bosses

  • Prime Wight: The terrible overlord of the Betweenlands.



  • Release 3.8.0:
    • Added Anadias, Bubbler Crabs, Cave Fish, Greebling Coracles, Olms, Jellyfish, Cave Jellyfish, Freshwater Urchins, and Rock Snots.
    • Removed Blind Cave Fish.
  • Release 3.7.0: Added Infestations and Stalkers.
  • Release 3.6.1: Renamed Chiromaw Greebling Rider to Greebling Rider.
  • Release 3.6.0:
    • Added Chiromaw Greebling Riders and Chiromaw Matriarchs.
    • Added Draetons, Shock Arrows, Chiromaw Barbs, Greebling Corpses, and Chiromaw Hatchlings.
  • Beta 3.5.0:
    • Added Emberlings, Tiny, Small and Large Sludge Worms, Shamblers, Crypt Crawlers, Ash Sprites, Emberling Shamans, Barrishees, Lampreys, Living Roots, and the Sludge Menace.
    • Added Worm Holes, Sludge Jet Turrets, Sludge Worm Egg Sacs, Splodeshrooms, Moving Walls, Tunnel Entrances, Sludge Worm Arrows, and Gallery Frames.
    • Renamed Tar Minion to Tarminion.
  • Release 3.4.0:
    • Added Root Sprites, Boulder Sprites, Greeblings, and the Spirit Tree.
    • Added Lurker Skin Rafts.
    • Renamed Fire Fly to Firefly.
  • Release 3.3.1: Added Smoll Sludges.
  • Alpha 3.0.0: Renamed Gas Cloud to Shallowbreath.
  • Beta 1.0.4: Added Gas Clouds.
  • Beta 1.0.2: Added Frogs and Harlequin Toads.
  • Beta 1.0.0: Introduced.
The Betweenlands Mobs
Passive AnadiaCave Fish •  DragonflyFireflyFrogGeckoGreeblingGreebling CoracleMire SnailOlmRoot SpriteSporeling
Neutral Freshwater UrchinGreebling RiderJellyfishLurkerPyrad
Aggressive AnglerBlood SnailBubbler CrabCave JellyfishChiromawCrypt CrawlerDark DruidEmberling ShamanInfestationLampreyLeechLiving RootPeat MummyRock SnotShallowbreathShamblerSilt CrabSludge (Smol) • Sludge Worm (LargeSmallTiny) • Sprites (AshBoulder) • StalkerSwamp HagTar BeastTermiteWight
Tamable & Utility EmberlingHarlequin ToadTarminion
Chief BarrisheeChiromaw Matriarch
Boss Dreadful Peat MummyPrimordial MalevolenceSludge MenaceSpirit Tree
Unimplemented Temple Guardian
Other Entities in The Betweenlands