Release 3.3.1 was an update to the Betweenlands for Minecraft 1.12.2 that was released on March 4, 2018. It added the Rift event and its day/night cycle, the Smol Sludge mob, and many other changes and bug fixes.
Additions and Changes
- Added sky Rift event and new day/night cycle
- Added minimum Forge version requirement (
- Added config option to override any (including modded) conflicting oredict recipes
- Added decay food tooltip
- Added overworld tool damage reduction particles and sound effects
- Added random cave ambience sounds
- Added config option to log recipe overrides
- Added tooltips to all Infusions
- Added glint effect to Infusions
- Added visual Aspect liquid to Repeller
- Added Smoll Sludge mob
- Added Sludge Trail attribute to Sludge and Smoll Sludge
- Added textures for cut (ie placed by player in survival) Rubber Tree Log
- Added config updater, enabling the mod to automatically update outdated configs
- Changed config properties key names
- Improved visibility of liquid in Aspect Vials
- Poisonous Frogs can now poison players even when on easy difficulty
- Improved Cragrock Tower crumble trigger, now only triggers when the tower is conquered and no players are left at the top
- Players are now rewarded 350 XP upon conquering a Cragrock Tower
- Sneaking now cancels the effect of the Boots of the Marsh Runner
- Fire Flies now only spawn when it's night or the Rift is inactive
- Portals can now be linked together if they are within 500 blocks of each other by right-clicking on them with a Swamp Talisman
- Portals can now work in any dimension and a config whitelist determines which dimensions the portals work
- Pyrads are now always active during night or when the Rift is inactive
- Improved portal generator, should now be able to deal with almost any terrain (including the Nether e.g.)
- Adjusted various Infusion stats
- Reduced amount of Aspects the Aspect Vials can hold
- Decreased required amount of Aspects to create Infusions with high potency or duration
- Random position of Aspect Vials can now be toggled by shift-right-clicking on the block
- Ring of Ascent is now automatically disabled when riding an entity
- Reduced dig speed of overworld tools
- Shockwave of Shockwave Sword can now damage the Primordial Malevolence's Energy Fields once again
- Fixed some minor localization errors
- Fixed displayed attack damage on item not affected by corrosion
- Fixed Boots of the Marsh Runner losing gem on crafting
- Fixed Swamp Hags hesitating to attack the player after being hit
- Fixed items in Item Shelf rendering mirrored
- Fixed Swamp Tallgrass dropping Leaves
- Fixed decay breaking player's health when other mods also modify health (such as the Ring of Odin from Botania)
- Fixed Chiromaws targeting and attacking through solid walls
- Fixed Aspectrus Plant sometimes destroying fences
- Fixed Aspectrus Plant sometimes dropping too many items
- Fixed way too high capacity in Aspect Vials allowing to create broken Infusions
- Fixed thrown Infusions not rendering
- Fixed Repeller not saving accumulated aspect cost
- Fixed Betweenlands Monster Spawner showing incorrect entity when placed
- Fixed Animated Tar Beast Heart animator recipe rendering Tar Minion