Release 3.4.0 was a major update to the Betweenlands for Minecraft 1.12.2 that was released on October 25, 2018. It was known as the Spirits 'n Sprites update as it added the Spirit Tree, Root Sprites and Boulder Sprites, as well as a variety of new decorative blocks, Menhirs, some special new equipment, and a massive array of changes and bug fixes.
Important: We've removed several unobtainable items and Forge will warn you about that when loading a world from a previous Betweenlands version ("Forge Mod Loader detected missing registry entries..."). That's fine and you can click "Yes". We still recommend you make a backup before updating though (As you always should, anyways! Make yo backups!).
Also, this update requires at least Forge
- Added Nibbletwig Planks and associated; slab, stairs, fence, fence gate, door and trapdoor
- Added Hearthgrove Planks and associated; slab, stairs, fence, fence gate, door and trapdoor
- Added Scabyst building blocks; storage, bricks, slab, stairs, wall, 3 chiseled variations, 2 pitstone variations, door, trapdoor
- Added Amate Paper Panes; 3 variations
- Added Mud Brick Flower Pot with Candle
- Added Mud Brick Shingles block and slab
- Added Root Sprite mob
- Added Boulder Sprite mob
- Added Spirit Tree + associated terrain generation and blocks; Spirit Tree Logs + 3 carved variations, Spirit Tree Leaves, Spreading Sludgy Dirt, Spreading Rotten Bark
- Added Root Pods, which grow Roots and Giant Root (block)s when planted
- Added Spirit Tree Sapling, which grows friendly sentry trees which shoot at hostiles
- Added Small and Large Spirit Tree Face Mask, which can be worn or placed as decorational blocks. Small Masks can be animated and crafted with a Weedwood Shield
- Added Living Weedwood Shield, which shoots at hostiles
- Added Sap Spit, used to breed Mire Snails, heal Geckos, and remove Corrosion on equipment
- Added Bark Amulet, which when worn indicates a mob's health
- Added Spirit Fruit
- Added Menhirs, which generate throughout the world and can be activated for fast travel
- Added Bone Wayfinder, which is used to activate Menhirs
- Added Magic Item Magnet, which can be equipped and will automatically pull items towards the player
- Added Gem Singer, which can locate nearby Middle Gems or Life Crystals
- Added Amate Maps
- Added Dentrothyst Shards
- Added several new config options regarding item black-/whitelists and gamerules (blFoodSickness, blRottenFood, blDecay, blCorrosion, blToolWeakness, blTorchBlacklist, blFireToolBlacklist, blPotionBlacklist, blFertilizerBlacklist) to customize mechanics.
- Added config option to move equipment on HUD to the other side of the hotbar or to disable it completely
- What's a Greebling?
- Added rarities to some items
- Added Scabyst to oredict
- Added item sprites to Roots, Stalactites and Life Crystal Stalactites/Ore blocks
- Amate Paper recipe now makes 9, up from 3
- Lurker Skin Pouch can now deposit all items in an inventory by shift-right-clicking on an inventory block and renders on the player
- Lurker Skin Shield can now be used as a raft
- Weedwood Rowboats now protect the rowing player from attacks from below
- Decreased Slimy Bone Ore and Middle Gem Ore generation
- Dug Purified Swamp Dirt now reverts to Swamp Dirt after 3 harvests, and Dug Purified Swamp Grass after 6
- Shields can now be upgraded with Middle Gems
- Tar Beast Hearts can now be crafted
- Caving Rope now has block lighting
- Decreased large Marsh Ruins generation
- Renamed Fire Fly to Firefly for cOnSiStEnCy
- Renamed Ground Tangled Roots to Ground Roots, and made them obtainable from grinding Giant Root
- Updated Chinese translations (thanks RisingInIris2017)
- Lurkers can now exist on peaceful with slightly different AI
- Reduced network traffic from events and locations
- Reorganized some blocks and items in the Creative inventory
- Removed several unobtainable items
- Additional item information regarding Corrosion/Food Sickness and Decay bar are now only shown if those mechanics are enabled
- Dentrothysts now always drop 4 Dentrothyst Shards; 2x2 Dentrothyst Shards can be crafted back into Dentrothyst
- Changed Dentrothyst Vial recipes to use Dentrothyst Shards
- Thrown Infusions now have a chance to drop some Dentrothyst Shards
- Smelting Buckets filled with Rubber now gives 3 Rubber Balls
Bug Fixes
- Fixed incorrect Life Crystal Ore oredict
- Fixed Polished Dentrothysts dropping wrong item meta
- Fixed Trapdoor rotations and side textures
- Fixed some Buckets not being stackable
- Fixed Weedwood Lever using Betweenstone base
- Fixed Lurker movement in water
- Fixed missing localization entry for mummy arms spawned by the Ring of Summoning
- Fixed rare occurence where single chunks with overworld biomes would generate
- Fixed mobs being able to break blocks in protected locations
- Fixed the Dreadful Peat Mummy not being killable via command
- Fixed TileEntities having incorrect registry name