This is about the normal Stairs. For the smooth slopes exclusive to the mod, see Slopes.

Stairs ingame
Stairs in the Betweenlands act functionally the same as vanilla stairs.
This is the list of Stairs available, their IDs, and any additional sources they may have to being crafted:
Crafting Recipes[]
Wooden Stairs can be used as fuel for the Sulfur Furnace or Dual Sulfur Furnace, smelting 1.5 items per slab block.
- Beta 3.5.0:
- Added Rotten Plank, Sludgy Mud Brick, and Mud Brick Shingle Stairs.
- Mud Brick, Pitstone Brick, and Smooth Pitstone Stairs now generate as part of the Sludgeon.
- Release 3.4.0: Added Hearthgrove Plank, Nibbletwig Plank, and Scabyst Brick Stairs.
- Release 3.3.0: Added Giant Root Plank Stairs.
- Beta 2.0.3: Added Cragrock and Pitstone Stairs.
- Beta 2.0.2: Added Betweenstone Stairs.
- Beta 2.0.1: Implemented recipe for Polished Limestone Stairs.
- Beta 2.0.0: Added unobtainable Polished Limestone Stairs.
- Beta 1.0.0: Introduced.