The Betweenlands Wiki
The Betweenlands Wiki

The following is a list of all Structures that are added by the Betweenlands mod.


  • IconBetweenstone Cavern: The Caverns of the Betweenlands, made up of Betweenstone and various cave flora.
  • LIconNestingBlock Chiromaw Matriarch Nest: A nest of giant winged beasts, often found on Raised Islands.
  • LIconCragrock Cragrock Spire: A mountainous formation of Cragrock found in Deep Waters.
  • IconBulbCappedMushroom Giant Bulb-Capped Mushroom: A large glowing blue mushroom found in Patchy Islands.
  • IconRottenWeedwoodBark Giant Hollow Log: A large, rotten log of a fallen tree found in Swamplands.
  • IconRootPod Giant Root: A large, overgrown and varying root formation found in Coarse Islands.
  • LIconWeedwoodLog2 Giant Weedwood Tree: A towering tree with a massive canopy and hanger vines.
  • IconHearthgroveSapling Hearthgrove Tree: A small, pale tree with an orange canopy found in Patchy Islands.
  • IconPitstone Lake Cavern: The deepest part of the Caverns, made up of Pitstone and various cave flora.
  • IconNibbletwigSapling Nibbletwig Tree: A tall, brown tree with a dark green canopy found in Swamplands.
  • IconVolarpad2 Raised Island: A giant sky island supported by roots found throughout Raised Isles.
  • IconRottenWeedwoodBark Rotten Weedwood Tree: A deathly tree stripped of leaves found in Sludge Plains.
  • IconRubberTreeSapling Rubber Tree: An uncommon tree found in Swamplands that can be tapped.
  • IconSapTreeSapling Sap Tree: An uncommon tree found in many Betweenlands locations that provides edible sap.
  • IconSilt Silt Beach: A coastal flat of silt found in Swamplands and Patchy Islands.
  • IconSpiritTreeSapling Spirit Tree: A sentient, elderly tree whose power is determined by the wisps surrounding it.
  • IconDoubleSwampTallgrass2 Underground Oasis: A patch of underground flora containing valuable natural resources.
  • IconWeedwoodSapling Weedwood Tree: The basic willow-like tree found commonly in the Betweenlands.


  • LIconGlowingSmoothCragrock Cragrock Tower: An extremely tall, monolithic tower filled with valuable loot.
  • LIconRuneStone Druid Circle: A structure in the Overworld that provides the needs to get to the Betweenlands.
  • IconSmoothCragrock Idol Head Statue: A giant head of cragrock with buried loot, found in Patchy Islands.
  • LIconRuins Ruins: Small ruins of betweenstone or mud bricks, found in Marshes and Sludge Plains.
  • LIconBetweenstoneTiles2 Shrine: A small shrine with a random spawner and loot, found in Marshes and Sludge Plains.
  • LIconDungeonDoor2 Sludgeon: A massive, labyrinthine, sludgy dungeon housing the Pit of Decay.
  • LIconPotofChance2 Tar Pool Dungeon: A structure with a Tar pool that spawns Tar Beasts, found underground.
  • IconChiseledPitstone Underground Ruins: Small ruins of pitstone bricks that spawn in the Lake Caverns.
  • IconGlowingBetweenstoneTile Wight Fortress: A massive fortress dungeon housing the Primordial Malevolence.


  • LIconPortalFrame Portal Tree: The tree created with the Swamp Talisman that allows travel to the Betweenlands.
  • LIconMudBrickShingleRoof Tunnel Entrances: Holes that appear in the ground during certain events and spawn mobs.




  • Release 3.6.0: Added Raised Islands and Chiromaw Matriarch Nests.
  • Beta 3.5.0: Added the Sludgeon and Tunnel Entrances.
  • Release 3.4.0: Added Spirit Trees.
  • Release 3.3.0:
    • Added Hearthgrove Trees, Nibbletwig Trees, and Giant Roots.
    • Renamed Abandoned Shack to Ruins.
  • Beta 2.0.0: Added Underground Oases.
  • Beta 1.0.0: Introduced.
The Betweenlands Environment
Dimensions The BetweenlandsThe NetherThe Overworld
Biomes Coarse Islands (Raised Isles) • Deep WatersMarsh (Marsh 0Marsh 1) • Patchy IslandsSludge Plains (Clearing) • Swamplands (Clearing)
Natural Cavern (Lake) • Chiromaw Matriarch NestCragrock SpireGiant Bulb-Capped MushroomGiant Hollow LogGiant RootHearthgrove TreeNibbletwig TreeRaised IslandRubber TreeSap TreeSilt BeachSpirit TreeUnderground OasisWeedwood Tree (GiantRotten)
Buildings Cragrock TowerDruid CircleIdol Head StatueRuins (MarshSludge PlainsUndergroundUnderwater) • ShrineSludgeon (Barrishee LairCryptCrypt TunnelsLabyrinthine VaultsPit of DecaySludgeon TowerWinding Walkways) • Tar Pool DungeonWight Fortress
Post-Gen Portal TreeTunnel Entrances
Events AurorasBlood SkyDense FogHeavy Rain (Thunderstorm) • RiftSpookWinter (Snowfall)
Mechanics AspectsCorrosionDecayFood SicknessMiddle Gem CircleRadial Equipment MenuStench
Other AdvancementsEffectsLoot TablesMusic