Swamplands are Betweenlands biomes characterized by large amounts of somewhat flat, dry land filled with relatively densely packed Weedwood, Nibbletwig, Rubber, and Sap Trees, high amounts of ground foliage, and occasional cave entrances breaking the surface. They have the largest land-to-water ratio of any biome in the Betweenlands, with occasional rivers of Swamp Water breaking up the land.
Swamplands have a Clearing sub-biome which can rarely spawn in small areas within normal Swamplands biomes, surrounded by Swamp Water.
Swamplands Clearing[]

The Swamplands Clearing landscape
The Swamplands Clearing sub-biome contains a single, relatively flat island made purely of grass, with no normal trees and almost no foliage in comparison to the regular Swamplands biome. A Spirit Tree will always spawn in the center of this sub-biome, with its roots dug in throughout the island.
After the Spirit Tree in a Swamplands Clearing has been defeated, the grass of the Clearing will slowly convert into Spreading Sludgy Dirt. The sub-biome will eventually become similar to a miniature Sludge Plains biome, capable of spawning Sludges and Smol Sludges.
Regular Swamplands biomes consist of:
Dead Grass
Swamp Grass, in patches
Coarse Swamp Dirt, in patches and directly under the surface
Mud, in small patches and underwater
Middle Gem Ores, rarely underwater
Betweenstone Pebble, on land or underwater
Weedwood Bush, in clusters
Hollow Log, occasionally
Tall Cattail
Fallen Leaves, in scattered patches under trees
Moss, in scattered patches
Swamp Reed, on land next to or sticking out from the water
Swamp Tallgrass
Double Swamp Tallgrass
Pitcher Plant, uncommonly
Swamp Plant, abundantly
Venus Fly Trap, uncommonly
Black Hat Mushroom
Flathead Mushroom
Algae, in patches on the river water
Swamp Water, in small rivers and surrounding the Swamplands Clearing
Tar, uncommonly in small pools
Menhir, rarely
Swamplands Clearing biomes consist of:
Swamp Grass
Swamp Dirt, directly under the surface
Betweenstone Pebble, on land or underwater
Moss, in scattered patches
Swamp Tallgrass
Pitcher Plant, uncommonly
Swamp Plant
Venus Fly Trap, uncommonly
Black Hat Mushroom
Flathead Mushroom
Menhir, rarely
The following mobs can spawn naturally on the surface in regular Swamplands biomes:
Firefly, when the Rift event is active at night or inactive
Mire Snail
Sporeling, only on Shelf Fungus
Greebling Rider, in the sky
Tar Beast, only in Tar, rarely
Angler, in water
Swamp Hag
Blood Snail
Bubbler Crab, only on Silt
Harlequin Toad, uncommonly
The following mob can spawn in the Cavern and Lake Cavern layers, but only when they are below a regular Swamplands biome:
Harlequin Toad, uncommonly
The following mobs can spawn naturally on the surface in Swamplands Clearing biomes:
Spirit Tree, always
Sludge, only after defeating the Spirit Tree, hiding in Spreading Sludgy Dirt
Smol Sludge, only after defeating the Spirit Tree, hiding in Spreading Sludgy Dirt
The following structures can generate in regular Swamplands biomes:
Weedwood Tree
Giant Weedwood Tree, rarely (both whole and stump forms)
Nibbletwig Tree
Rubber Tree
Sap Tree, occasionally
Giant Hollow Log
Silt Beach, occasionally lining biome edges
The following structure can generate in Swamplands Clearing biomes:
Spirit Tree, always
- Release 3.8.0:
- Betweenstone Pebbles now generate in Swamplands and Swamplands Clearing biomes.
- Bubbler Crabs now spawn in Swamplands biomes.
- Release 3.7.1: Shamblers now spawn in Swamplands biomes.
- Release 3.6.0: Chiromaw Greebling Riders (later renamed to Greebling Riders) now spawn in Swamplands biomes.
- Release 3.4.0:
- Added Swamplands Clearing sub-biome.
- Can now be viewed from Amate Maps.
- Menhirs now generate in Swamplands biomes.
- Greeblings now spawn in Swamplands biomes.
- Release 3.3.0:
- Added biome foliage colors.
- Nibbletwig Trees now generate in Swamplands biomes.
- Beta 2.0.0:
- Added biome grass colors.
- Coarse Swamp Dirt now generates in place of regular Swamp Dirt in Swamplands biomes.
- Beta 1.0.2: Frogs and Harlequin Toads now spawn in Swamplands biomes.
- Beta 1.0.0: Introduced.